The " Dutch TITANIC ", laid down 1912 as STATENDAM, seized by the British Royal Navy to become the trooper JUSTICIA . A new book by historian Tamás Balogh is the first compendium about that liner, that never saw civil service, and was lost during WWI. While TITANIC is ostentatiously called the most luxurious liner, STATENDAM offered luxury features that recalled the grandness of lounges and luxuries of the German Ballin trio - e.g. a Main Lounge two decks high, between the first and second funnel, a two deck high Dining Room, as well a Wintergarden of one and a half deck hight. OLYMPIC Class only offered one deck high salons ... by Earl of Cruise b/w copy from a painting of the intended STATENDAM, the second in the fleet of HOLLAND AMERICA LINE - courtesy Peter Meersman, collector of the original painting The first STATENDAM (10,322 GT) was constructed and inaugurated in 1898 and had been sold to ALLAN LINE in 1911. When STATENDAM II was laid down in Belfast...
HISTORY - One of the earliest steam ship companies in the world ÖSTERREICHISCHER LLOYD was founded in 1833 - I 1833-55
ÖSTERREICHISCHER LLOYD , in its corporate language Italian, LLOYD AUSTRIACO, was founded in 1833 by 19 insurance and banking companies and 127 private shareholders in Trieste after they got the permission from the government of Austria-Hungary. ÖSTERREICHISCHER LLOYD develped into one of the biggest shipping companies of the world. From the start the corporate language was Italian. After WWI it became LLOYD TRIESTINO and is stillexisting as ITALIA MARITTIMA , a subsidiary of EVERGREEN MARINE . by Earl of Cruise ARCIDUCA LUDOVICO of 1837 - Source: Civico Museo del Mare Trieste In my previously published article about AUSTRO-AMERICANA I wrote about the naval heritage of Austria-Hungary and my special personal interest in its shipping companies. Austria-Hungary is so far more than what I mentioned there and forgott mentioning its most prominent citizen, Kaiserin Elisabeth , named Sisi, empress of Austria and Apostolic Queen of Hungary . Kaiserin Elisabeth von Österr...