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ss NORMANDIE 1935-1942 XII - The Most Beautiful Ocean Liner Ever Built

For many, or should I say for "a great many" Ocean Liner Lovers, NORMANDIE is the most beautiful liner ever built. Me, I am among those aficionados. 
NORMANDIE was technically decades ahead of time. The vessel got implemented technologies that would have been copied by others, who then claimed to be the first to have. Alternative facts are not a modern days invention of a certain chrétien and his backward oriented entourage ... NORMANDIE´s interior was the peak of ART DECO in France, and was, still is, the peak of chic. Never again any liner, or passenger vessel, except NIEUW AMSTERDAM had been designed exterior and interior that strict in the "guide lines" of the ART DECO (Link in German) movement - as ART DECO is "only" a movement and not a school like BAUHAUS. Therefore the style was in a permanent "move" and development.
Shipp of Light NORMANDIE, the perfect ocean liner, Le Vaisseau de Lumière, Le Deesse de la Mer - courtsey coloured by Daryl LeBlanc
NORMANDIE, the perfect ocean liner, Le Vaisseau de Lumière, Le Deesse de la Mer - courtsey coloured by Daryl LeBlanc
While researching for my article about the Forbers Dupas Panels and their coming auction by SOTHEBY´s June 6th in New York, and my concerns regarding the security of art in general in private US museums and NORMANDIE´s artwork in the MET, I was stombling over this article, written and published first in Spet 2015, blog and web site. 
NORMANDIE - The most Beautiful Ocean Liner Ever Built.
This past weekend (SEPT 2015!) the 11th annual Art Deco celebration took place aboard the QUEEN MARY in Long Beach California. On September 4th, southern Californians dressed up in vintage costumes, dined, danced, and wine tasted for an entire three day stretch. 
by Mark LaFleur, September 7th, 2015
Mark LaFleur
The Antique Warehouse,
Vancouver, BC.
Please visit Mark´s website for some beautiful examples of Art Deco.
editing by Earl of Cruise - my comments are in grey!
The 'Deco Ball' takes place September 5 with cocktails at 6:30 and dancing until 11pm.
The ‘Deco Ball’ took place September 5th 2015 with cocktails at 6:30 and dancing until 11pm
The QUEEN MARY boasts some of the grandest and intricate interior designs ever accomplished on an ocean liner. Influenced by the ART DÉCO movement of the 1920s and 30s, her strong curves and geometric forms represent elegance, glamour, function and modernity.
The exterior of QUEEN MARY was still more Edwardian style than her strickt aficionados are willing to accept. Her first design draft had been a three funneld AQUITANIA. When CUNARD was aware, what COMPAGNIE GÉNÉRALE TRANSATLANTIQUE really was constructing at PENHOËT in St. Nazaire the builders had to make some significant changes in design getting a more competitive vessel.
Screenshot of QUEEN MARY in DANGEROUS CROSSING - courtsey from
Construction of the Queen Mary was started in 1930. It was a nice ship, but did not hold a candle to the Normandie
Construction of QUEEN MARY was started in 1930, but her designing and conceptualizing began mid 1920s
QUEEN MARY´s earliest design stage, AQUITANIA, BERNGARIA, LEVIATHAN or MAJESTIC would look modern beside
QUEEN MARY´s earliest design stage, AQUITANIA, BERNGARIA, LEVIATHAN or MAJESTIC would look modern beside - courtsey
With elaborate murals, paintings, sculptures and wood carvings found throughout the ship, it’s no wonder QUEEN MARY is widely considered one of the best examples and landmarks of ART DECO style in the United States. However, it didn’t hold a candle to the international beauty and splendour of NORMANDIE built by the French Line. Nothing compared to NORMANDIE, then or since.
NORMANDIE conquered in a swift the mind of people engaged or touched by culture and art. F.e. NORMANDIE´s theatre/cinema, a first ever on an ocean liner, was immedeately copied for the design of a new movie theatre in New York. And when NORMANDIE anchored 1938 in Guanabara Bay in Rio de Janeiro for the first million-dollar cruise ever in cruise history, the vessels design-outlay occupied the minds of Brazilian culture and influenzed art and culture till the 1950s. ART DÉCO was still florishing in Brazil, but NORMANDIE pushed it further ahead! And as any other country in ART DECO "fever" Brazil developed its own ART DÉCO style, based in the culture of its own.
Again, ART DECO was not a school, but a movement, and therefore it was that diverse, like humanity ... and therefore ART DECO is interesting.
The interior of the Queen Mary is undeniably Art Deco but was no where near the opulence or the high design of the SS Normandie.
The interior of QUEEN MARY is undeniably ART DECO but was no where near the opulence or the sophistication of NORMANDIE
The Roaring Twenties were the period of sustained economic prosperity with a distinctive cultural edge in New York, Montreal, Chicago, Paris, Berlin, London,and many other major cities during the 1920s. The French called it the “années folles” (“Crazy Years”), emphasizing the era’s social, artistic and cultural dynamism. Jazz music blossomed, the flapper redefined modern womanhood and ART DECO peaked creating some of the most beautiful design in the world.
The twenties, also called "Roaring Twenties", can be seen too as a period where mankind regained breath and embraced freedom and liberation after a restricting, desastrous war. WWI the war that should have ended all future wars - despite the Versailles Treaty was laying the seed for the next war to come! In the meantime mankind celebrated its surving of that war.
This was an experience that not only my Scottish aunts and grandmère did tell me about their own experiences they have made. All my ancestors, I had the luck listening and learning from, had been a great resource for history I benefitted from, later when studying history and for my actual life. Know (your) history, otherwise you are damned to repeat mistakes.
Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks were the darlings of the screen during the 1920's.
Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks were the darlings of the silent screen during the 1920’s
Economically the era saw the large-scale use of automobiles, telephones, motion pictures, electricity, unprecedented industrial growth, accelerated consumer demand and aspirations, plus significant changes in lifestyle and culture. The media focused on celebrities, especially sports heroes and movie stars, as cities rooted for their home teams and filled the new palatial cinemas and gigantic sports stadiums. In most major countries women won the right to vote. (For Germany, the constitution of Weimar, statuted the women voting right in 1919.) It was during this time that the fabulous French ocean liner, NORMANDIE was conceptualized and it’s construction intiated.
SS Normandie, the most beautiful ship ever built.
The ss Normandie, the most beautiful ship ever built, 
crowds lined up at pier 88 awaiting to get on board for a sightseeing
The fabulous Normandie was built by the French Line at St. Nazaire and completed three years after the Wall Street Crash of 1929. On the 29th October 1932, 200,000 people witnessed the launch of the great ship into the Loire River with Madame Albert Lebrun, the French President’s wife, christening the ship with a bottle of champagne. Her maiden voyage was scheduled for 1934 but was delayed until May 1935 due to the Wall Street Crash and a massive worldwide economic decline and therefore of travel.
Then US president Hoover, Republican, followed the Laissz-faire economic politics of his pre dessesors. And with that Hoover was unable to react propper, nor prevent the crash. The crash had been fuelled by to much cash floating around, and when a wheat oversupply caused a dramatic decline in prises, and the bancrupcy of a British Wall Street broker happend at the same time, Black Thursday (Link in German) and Black Tuesday hit the overheated market.
And with no understanding of makro economic facts, the Hoover administration ordered all credits back into the USA. "America First" is not an invention of the Thing, actually playing in White House. With these credits, the WWI winner, economically and politically, USA, was crediting countries, such as Germany, as well the former Allies. But fact was, the credits given to Germany enabled Germany to pay the Versailles contributions, which enabled United Kingdom and France paying their depts to USA. It was a money caroussel that shoveld cash into the USA.
And when in September 1929 the London Stock Exchange crashed fate was sealed ... the Great Depression started.
The crash hit all parts of economy and society in each country world wide, including the colonies of colonial powers. Traffic and travel was hit to a near standstill, as in WWI. Especially the transatlantic travel was hit, where the great liners criss-crossed the pond.
 Charles Boyer, well-known film star, pictured with his wife, the former Pat Patterson, also well-known for her film work, on the S. S. Normandie, when they sailed for Europe in 1935
Charles Boyer, well-known film star, pictured with his wife, the former Pat Patterson, also well-known for her film work, on NORMANDIE, when they sailed for Europe in 1935
The French Line did not want NORMANDIE floating in her mooring indefinitely and so entered into a period of celebrations onboard. For three days the Normandie hosted dinners, galas and parties for over 1;000 guests at once. The ship and his grandeur were heavily publicized by local, national and international press.
The luxurious interiors were designed in the streamlined "Stile Moderne", later named ART DÉCO. You may name it contemporary style. Many sculptures and wall paintings made allusions to `la´ Normandy, the province of France for which NORMANDIE was named. The naming can be seen as blow against the rival across the chanel.
Most of the public space was devoted to first-class passengers, including the dining room, first-class lounges, as grille room, first-class swimming pool, theatre, gallerie and winter garden. The first-class swimming pool featured staggered depths, with a shallow training beach for children and non-swimmers. The children’s dining room was decorated by Jean de Brunhoff, who covered the walls with Babar the Elephant and his entourage.
The Winter Garden aboard the Normandie
The Winter Garden aboard NORMANDIE with exotic birds, flowers and fountains
The interiors were filled with grand perspectives, spectacular entryways, and long, wide staircases. First-class suites were given unique designs by select designers such as Leleu, Adnet and others. The most luxurious accommodations were the Deauville and Trouville apartments, featuring dining rooms, baby grand pianos, multiple bedrooms, and private outdoor decks.
The fabulous 1st class dining room aboard the Normandie. The first-class dining hall was the largest room afloat. At 305 feet (93 m), it was longer than the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles.
The fabulous 1st class dining room aboard NORMANDIE. The first-class dining hall was the largest room afloat, ever. At 93m / 305 feet, it was longer than the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles
and its hight was over three decks
The dining room filled to capacity. Note the genuine Lalique glass pillars and lighting.
NORMANDIE´s dining room filled to capacity with all gentlemen wearing black tie. Note the genuine Lalique glass pillars and lighting
The first-class dining hall was the largest room afloat. At 93 m / 305 feet, it was longer than the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles, stood 14 m / 46 feet wide, and towered 8,5 m / 28 feet high. Passengers entered through 6,1 m / 20-foot tall bronze doors adorned with poolished bronze medallions by artist Raymond Subes.
These doors later had been sold off in auction and had been cut to fit in the entrance doors of Our Lady of Lebanon Roman Catholic Church in Brooklyn Heights in New York.
The entrance foyer to the first class dining room with the doors designed by Subes.
NORMANDIE, entrance foyer and foyer to the first class dining room with the doors designed by Subes
The room could seat 700 at 157 tables, with Normandie serving as a floating promotion for the most sophisticated French cuisine of the period. As no natural light could enter it was illuminated by 12 tall pillars of Lalique glass flanked by 38 matching columns integrated in the walls. These, with chandeliers hung at each end of the room, earned the Normandie the nickname “Ship of Light” (similar to Paris as the ”City of Light”).
Another reason for being nicknamed "Le Vaisseau de Lumière" had been the enlighted letters NORMANDIE between the second and third, a dummy, funnel, on top of the superstructure, and the special "gleaming" of NORMADIE at night, when lit all over.
The cafe grille was popular and turned into a nightclub at night.
The Cafe Grill was popular and turned into a nightclub at night
Besides all ART DECO interior of NORMANDIE, this salon was strict BAUHAUS style
A popular feature was the Café Grill, which would be transformed at night into a nightclub. Adjoining the cafe grill was the first-class smoking room, which was panelled in large murals depicting ancient Egyptian life.
Normandie also had one indoor and one outdoor pool, a quite substantial chapel, and a novelty. That room could double as a theatre with small stage and cinema. Another novelty had been installed for the cinema on board, the screen was lit from its aft, so no projector to be seen standing between the audience.
The indoor pool
NORMANDIE´s indoor pool
The bar at the pool. No one seemed to mind if intoxicated people were allowed to swim.
The bar at the pool. Drinking was prohibited during the time in the United States making NORMANDIE all the more attractive to sea going Americans.
And very oftern dressed up people could be seen at the pool bar, with no intention for a swim, but to drink, be seen or oggling.
The 1st class 'Rouen' Suite aboard the Normandie.
The 1st class ‘Rouen’ Suite aboard NORMANDIE
As well as the usual dining room, saloons, and shops, there was a winter garden on the front of Promenade deck. It had fountains and live exotic birds and plants. There was a library which boasted over 5,000 books and also had the largest swimming pool any passenger had ever seen on an ocean liner.
The chapel aboard the Normandie
The chapel aboard NORMANDIE
This room had a two deck high cieling
The Rouen suite in 1st class.
NORMANDIE, the Rouen suite in 1st class, dining area
Another 1st class suite.
Another NORMANDIe 1st class suite
Bad timing seemed to plague the beautiful liner from the day she was launched. She was conceived before the Wall street crash with emphasis given for passengers of high income and super sophistication. The liner was a floating palace of dreams and ART DECO elegance.
When TRANSAT started conceptualizing NORMANDIE (T6) they began with an enlarged ÎLE DE FRANCE, but wanted the 4-day-liner. For the first time CGT not only wanted a fast vessel covering the mail contract with French Poste, LA POSTE, but also realized, similar to NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, that the ship had to grow and must become a "Super ÎLE DE FRANCE". The initiators of NORMANDIE realized further that there was a rising demand and an existing gap in capacity for First Class passengers. Logically NORMANDIE was designed to cater in first place First Class passengers that created the bigger revenue, with one-way tickets starting at US$ 295,00 in an interior cabin with en suite fascilities - bathroom across the floor. A standard that had been accepted in those days even by luxury travellers.
A rare color photograph of the glamour and sophistication of the ship as only the French could produce.
A rare color photograph of NORMANDIE´s smoking salon designed with the glamour and sophistication as only the French could produce
A color postcard of the chapel aboard the SS Normandie.
A color postcard of the chapel aboard the ss NORMANDIE
The liner had only ever averaged an occupancy rate of 48.68% during her career. The sheer magnificence of her interiors was just a bit too intimidating for the average trans-Atlantic passenger, who preferred the cozier and less intimidating atmosphere of the QUEEN MARY or the functional minimalism of the even more popular BREMEN. Despite the international "ship-set" still sailed on NORMANDIE, as it was the must-stage to be seen on. NORMANDIE’s return voyage had been cancelled as there was war looming over Europe and NORMANDIE remained, out of security reasons, at New York’s Pier 88. NORMANDIE was intended to be out if any risk, as NORMANDIe was reflecting too La Grande Nation, La France - NORMANDIE was France afloat, and its grandest ambassador ever. Le NORMANDIE was later joined by QUEEN MARY and the unfinished QUEEN ELIZABETH and for a few weeks, the three largest liners in the world remained idle at their New York terminals. The British liners sailed for conversions and troop-carrying duties whilst NORMANDIE remained, idle and fading, at her berth.
The SS Normandie along the Queen Mary and Elizabeth. It's the furthest boat in the photo.
The ss NORMANDIE along the Queen Mary and Elizabeth. It’s the second boat from left in the photo
France surrendered in June 1940, and NORMANDIE was seized, against international law - Convention of Geneva, by the United States Government in December, 1941, after Pearl Harbor, to convert her into a troopship. NORMANDIE´s equipment and fittings were removed and stored. NORMANDIE stripped of her glory, was renamed Lafayette, painted grey and prepared as a warship for sea.
What the Americans did not seem to realise however, was that NORMANDIE was not adaptable for war like the British liners.
NORMANDIE was due to the economic depression and as a matter of fuelling the economy of France financed by the government. But NORMANDIE´s conceptualizing had never implemented the war use, as it was done for the CUNARD QUEEN´s. Same for BREMEN and EUROPA of NORDDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, or REX and CONTE DI SAVOIA of ITALIA S.p.A.
What was happening now was the result of arrogance, incompetence and sheer carelessness!
On the 9th February 1942, a fire started in the grand salon. Workmen were removing the last of the metal stanchions that had supported the “Lalique glass fountains of light” when a spark from the cutters blowtorch landed on a highly flammable kapok filled and with oiled paperwork covered lifejackets. The fire spread and the beautiful work of art’s fate was sealed. It took 15 minutes for anyone to call the fire department and the incompentence of the fire brigade only exacerbated the problem. They filled the boat with 6,000 tons of water which caused it to eventually list and turn on it’s side.
When I was reading Harvey Ardman´s book "NORMANDIE, Her Life and Times" I cringed during the paragraphs describing the death battle of NORMANDIE. I fealt a physical stress, like being beaten up ...
The gorgeous floating palace destroyed by incompetence and allegedly sabotage.
The gorgeous floating palace, NORMANDIE, destroyed by incompetence and allegedly sabotage
As for the sabotage there is no evidence found, neither by Nazi spy, nor the Mafia, which wanted to play "the good boys" card and acted patriotic
Items from NORMANDIE were sold at a series of auctions after her demise, and many pieces are considered valuable ART DECO treasures today. Among the rescued items include the 10 large dining room door medallions and fittings, and some of the 2 X 4 foot individual Jean-Théodore Dupas glass panels that formed the 50 x 20 foot murals mounted at each of the 4 corners of the walls of her Grand Salon.
Art Deco glass panel by Dupas.
NORMANDIE Art Deco glass panel by Dupas
Also surviving to this day are some examples of the 24,000 pieces of crystal - some from the massive Lalique torcheres - that adorned her Dining Salon as well as some of the table silverware, chairs, and pink gold plated bronze table bases - all part of the furniture and fixtures that accommodated 700 passengers at one seating. Custom designed suite and cabin furniture as well as original art-work and statues that decorated the ship, or were built for use by the Cie Gén TRANSATLANTIQUE aboard NORMANDIE, also survive today.
Table and chairs from the 1st class dining room designed by Maurice DuPre.
Table and chairs from NORAMNDIE´s 1st class dining room designed by Maurice Pre
Lalique goblets from the Normandie can still be found today.
Lalique goblets from NORMANDIE can still be found today


  1. I was with a group of people and a question was raised, "if you had a Time Machine where and when would you travel to?" Everyone in the group said, "Someplace in the Future." When it was my turn to answer the question. I didn't miss a beat and I said the exact date of May 29, 1935. Everyone in room asked what was so special about that day? Then I explain that it was the maiden voyage of the greatest, the sleekest, the most technological, Art Deco ocean liner ever built. Many people never even heard of the SS Normandie. Lucky for them I had my laptop so I showed everyone photos of how elegant she was. There were lots Oohh’s & Aahh’s from everybody. I was also the only person who wanted to go back in time. Just to see the SS Normandie even briefly would be an experience of a lifetime. I am also on the "Board" of the Art Deco Society in San Francisco, California I do all their different Walking Tours. But I have always be fascinated by Ocean Liners.

  2. Interesting but tragic story of a true diva. Photos are mind blowing!


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