Gathering of the three QUEENs - Cruise vessels meet in Southampton to celebrate the 175th anniversary of CUNARD
CUNARD´s 175th anniversary brought the existing three
QUEEN´s, the "shadow of a once great fleet" together in the now
abandoned port of register, Southampton. It was the first time the vessels have sailed
together in daylight from CUNARD's once (2015) port of register, now Hamilton,
Bermuda, on the southern coast. QUEEN MARY 2, QUEEN ELIZABETH and QUEEN
VICTORIA sailed after to New York, Hamburg and Guernsey, respectively.
You may ask, why so late about
that long gone event?
At first my last article about MAURETANIA and
menues, and second, there is more to say ... And I am anxious about the future and a Bicentannial of CUNARD with CARNIVAL, if the revenues may drop significant.
by Earl of Cruise
Cunard's three Queens - flagship QUEEN MARY2 (centre), QUEEN ELIZABETH (and QUEEN VICTORIA (top), sailed together - © Daily Mail (file photo)
massive crowd was gathered when the ships reunited in Liverpool later that May
2015 to sail down the Mersey. Liverpool? There was something in the past ...
yes, here the story of CUNARD started as
visionary entrpreneurs: Samuel Cunard, from Halifax, Canada,
George Burns, David McIver und James Donaldson, did start.
Three of the founders of what became CUNARD LINE: Samuel Cunard, George Burns, David McIver - Source: Wikipedia
Their first commissioned vessel
was the wodden hulled paddle steamer BRITANNIA. And as CUNARD has signed a
contract with ROYAL MAIL transporting her Queen´s mail from the British
mainland into its colony Canada and further on to the former, lost colony, the
United States, CUNARD was rewarded with subsifiaries, that helped to establish
the fortnightly mail service, that saw passengers only as and add on to their
prospected revenues.
For carrying the mail of her
majesty BRITANNIA was granted to be called a Royal Mail Ship, which resulted in
the sufix "rms", that never was added to the name at the bow as of
any ship to follow. To me it is only a title of honor, but not a part of the
nomenclatur of a vessel ... similar to the new marketing scheme of calling a
cruise ship, a liner, and further "mv XYZ" or "ms XYZ". A
ships name is that painted or fixed at the bow, period.
BRITANNIA from a painting by Clarkson Stanfield - copy from a book
BRITANNIA deck plan - Source: Norwegian Heritage
was the Admirality, responsible for the Royal Mail transport across the seven
seas, that forced CUNARD into a very unimaginative corner regarding technology
in the beginning. First positive results have been seen with the new Josef Ressel´s invention of the screw
to propel a vessel through the waves ...You may be concerned, but some see JohnEricsson and/or Francis Pettit Smith, as well Robert Fulton and/or David Bushnell as the
inventors. The given patent is somehow relevant, but the real inventor to me is
the Austrian Ressel. The Admirality saw sailing as the real seamanship, and
under steam, but realised it as the power to propel a mail vessel. And as the
Admirality thought of wodd as the material for the sea, it had to be a wodden
hull where the steam engines had to be put in. And while competitors in the UK,
the home and main source market for CUNARD, but too on the continent used the
new, more efficient propulsion system with screws, CUNARD "happily"
had to sail with paddle wheels ... Their last major Transatlantic mail liner
with paddle wheels had been PERSIA (1856) and near sister SCOTIA
PERSIA, commissioned in 1856 was an answer to the competition from COLLINS LINE - Source: Wikipedia
Cutaways of PERSIA - Source: Wikipedia
Both liners had elegant lines and
had been quite luxurious, and as for a CUNARDer had been ostentatious ... But
they did still not reach the luxuries, that COLLINS LINE could or did offer to its
passengers. And the number of passengers did drop significantly when COLLINS
was on the Atlantic.
COLLINS advent even forced CUNARD
offering better food than usual on its mail boats ... The high light on the
table was not any longer mashed potatoes ...
With PERSIA and the last paddle
wheel record holder SCOTIA, CUNARD was able to regain the "trophy of the
fastest Atlantic crossing". A title still not named as the BLUE RIBAND.
SCOTIA, a near sister to PERSIA,
had the more modern steam engine technology, than COLLINS, which not only
consumed lesser coal, but did not need as much maintenance work as COLLINS
machines needed.
Furthe both liners had been built
of iron ... it was a long way for the British Admirality to accept this
"new" material for the mail boats hulls.
But COLLINS LINE was pushing
their ships due to speed to the limits, similar to way of wearing out the ships
on the Mississippi ... the riverboats had been after four to six years only
floating wrecks. The cost for fuel added with the costs for maintenance,
doubled be the deasater of first ARCTIC and then the loss of PACIFIC, lead to the collapse of
COLLINS, who had lost the back up in Congress to get subsidiaries to run
the mail services across the Atlantic.
Loosing his backup from
subsidiaries may be too because in the USA the conflict between the rural and
slave holding South, and the far more industrialised North boiled up to near
war. The slave question was not really the reason for the Civil War, it was simple economy and
taxation ... The slaves freedom was an add on by Abraham Lincoln to get the
last forces mobilized.
After COLLINS other competitors in its home market arose, made trouble and ceased away. And even CUNARD was at one point near bancrupcy, it could be avoided by goin public, today an IPO.
Later there was another sever threat for CUNARD ... John Pierpont Morgan´s IMMC TRUST.
After COLLINS other competitors in its home market arose, made trouble and ceased away. And even CUNARD was at one point near bancrupcy, it could be avoided by goin public, today an IPO.
Later there was another sever threat for CUNARD ... John Pierpont Morgan´s IMMC TRUST.
Share of the IMMC - Source Wikipedia (original size)
CUNARD was on the brink of being
purchsed. Unthinkable that one of the cornerstones of the British Empire would
have been swallowed by an US investor, the IMMC. CUNARD joind forces with its
companies in Spain and Italy - with the IMMC they established the Atlantic
Conference, avoiding future economic battles. Further CUNARD ante chambered the
British government for a loan. UK financed the new express liners that
inaugurated in 1906/07 - LUSITANIA and MAURETANIA.
This time the Admirality forced CUNARD being innovative ... they signed the
subsidiary contract only, when the new liners would be built with the brand new
technology of steam turbine propulsion. Up to this time, the priority of
security, turned CUNARD into a company that followed, but never invented or set
trends ... CUNARD reacted.
And CUNARD was relying and could so on the British
government, if neccessary the subsidiaries for transporting her/his Majesties
Mail had been guaranteed and loans given. Similar with Cie. Gen.
TRANSATLANTIQUE, which was partly owned by France, but acted far more liberal
on its own whims.
CUNARD was by the way an essential part in building up
the Transatlantic Society, that in the end cleared the British - US American
relationship, after loosing the New England colony, that became the USA. What
we have seen in Donwton Abbey became something like normal - US and British
families united ...
And some families used the Transatlantic liners as
courting place to get the right match ... cherche l´homme, cherche femme ...
and sometimes had been fruitful.
Snatching the BLUE RIBAND from KAISER WILHELM II and bringing the imaginative
trophy back to Britain, did help healing the economic wounds and strengthend
the Nations pride.
The declaration of war against Germany and its Allies,
the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the OttomanEmpire, came "out of the blue", despite the year before,
since 1913, was a turmoil and the war was looming. As all powers had been in an
arms race. The imperialism, that was a doctrin in all European countries, was
the grease that let slip the European powers with wide opend eyes into WWI ...
the first and devastating catastrophy, with 17 mio. dead, that lead direct with
Versailles into the next war.
150 years CUNARD aniversary poster - courtsey CUNARD
While WHITE STAR LINE was fueled by IMMC as owner, they had been able building OLYMPIC Class, and HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE was constructing the IMPERATOR Class, while NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD had its own big liner program. CUNARD had to react and ordered AQUITANIA. This new liner was not intended to become a record breaker, but wasn´t slow either, as the IMPERATOR Class, financed without any state subsidiaries. AQUITANIA had been financed equally only by CUNARD. Therefore AQUITANIA was a different vessel to the CUNARD greyhounds, with no intended use as war ship.
Merger and aquisition was a fond theme ror growing even in Edwardian times - CUNARD purchased in 1911 Anchor Line, Brocklebank Line and the passenger service of Thomson Line, 1916 followed amidst WWI Port Line.
WWI urged tremendous losses of CUNARD, ships and crew ... the most remarkable was the torpedoing of LUSITANIA in 1915.
Merger and aquisition was a fond theme ror growing even in Edwardian times - CUNARD purchased in 1911 Anchor Line, Brocklebank Line and the passenger service of Thomson Line, 1916 followed amidst WWI Port Line.
WWI urged tremendous losses of CUNARD, ships and crew ... the most remarkable was the torpedoing of LUSITANIA in 1915.
After WWI peace came slowly, with the economies torn down. Old countries riped apart, new countries formed, and the Treaty of Versailles, where Germany had to sign to be only responsible, against knowing and wisdom of the Allies, and vast reparations (last installment payed in Nov. 2011!). If not signing, the Allies would take the arms again against Germany.
The once vast German merchant fleet was handed to the Allies who sold the vessels for an "apple" to their shipping companies. While Germany had constructed the most of its ships since 1900, they had been fresh, new, most with the last technology, and for the passenger vessels very luxurious. The new owners got new cheap ships and lost a fierce competitor in the market.
MAJESTIC, ex BISMARCK was the biggest moving and floating man built object, till the advent of NORMANDIE - courtsey coloured by Daryl LeBlanc
A very special case became the BISMARCK, the last of the IMPERATOR Class. Therefore "special" negotiations had to made, to finish the liner, as the construction workers sabotaged the finishing and with that the handing over to the SHIPPING CONTROLLER. With the "COLUMBUS Treaty" and the "Lex BISMARCK", passed through the German parliament, BISMARCK was finished and became WHITE STAR LINE´s MAJESTIC. And Germany could finish the HINDENBURG as the COLUMBUS.
The ingternational sea transport and passenger travel grew slowly after the armistice and signing the Versailles Treaty ... except perhaps immigration from war torn and destroyed Europe into the possibilities of the "New World", north and south. But in 1922 USA turned into protectionism and closed its boarders for immigrants.
The shipping companies had to rethink about their immigrant quarters on board and targeting a new clientel. For some lines it was 12:00 for a new business plan model, even if they catered now, as CUNARD and others, liner services out of Germany.
In the meantime all shipping lines, now "blessed" with new ships from Germany, put them into service and realized, they had too much ships at hand started to sell their older vessels for scrap or to other owners, f.e. from the new formed countries in Eastern Europe.
But all the lines sailing with once German ships, experienced passengers now lacking the once ridiculed German service, and got disappointed by the offered service, e.g. on CUNARD ships not only of German decent.
In this gap of demand NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD stepped in with the during raging inflation finished (1913) COLUMBUS in 1924. The pre WWI planed vessel, adjusted to new times and tastes, was an immediate succes - and again a schock to some former Allies. Similar did happen with CAP POLONIO, never accepted by the KAISERLICHE MARINE (Imperial German Navy), and new British owners, unable to use her, sold her back to HAMBURG SĂśDAMERIKANISCHE DAMPFSCHIFFAHRTS GESELLSCHAFT. Similar to COLUMBUS, the old rebuilt CAP POLONIO turned into a tremendous success.
COLUMBUS led direct to BREMEN and EUROPA, while CAP POLONIO led to CAP ARCONA.
MAURETANIA (right) is pictured alongside AQUITANIA (middle) and WHITE STAR's OLYMPIC in Southampton in 1920 - own collection
IMPERATOR and BISMARCK had been bought by CUNARD and WHITE STAR, as 50% partners till 1931, in 1921. The ingternational sea transport and passenger travel grew slowly after the armistice and signing the Versailles Treaty ... except perhaps immigration from war torn and destroyed Europe into the possibilities of the "New World", north and south. But in 1922 USA turned into protectionism and closed its boarders for immigrants.
The shipping companies had to rethink about their immigrant quarters on board and targeting a new clientel. For some lines it was 12:00 for a new business plan model, even if they catered now, as CUNARD and others, liner services out of Germany.
In the meantime all shipping lines, now "blessed" with new ships from Germany, put them into service and realized, they had too much ships at hand started to sell their older vessels for scrap or to other owners, f.e. from the new formed countries in Eastern Europe.
But all the lines sailing with once German ships, experienced passengers now lacking the once ridiculed German service, and got disappointed by the offered service, e.g. on CUNARD ships not only of German decent.
In this gap of demand NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD stepped in with the during raging inflation finished (1913) COLUMBUS in 1924. The pre WWI planed vessel, adjusted to new times and tastes, was an immediate succes - and again a schock to some former Allies. Similar did happen with CAP POLONIO, never accepted by the KAISERLICHE MARINE (Imperial German Navy), and new British owners, unable to use her, sold her back to HAMBURG SĂśDAMERIKANISCHE DAMPFSCHIFFAHRTS GESELLSCHAFT. Similar to COLUMBUS, the old rebuilt CAP POLONIO turned into a tremendous success.
COLUMBUS led direct to BREMEN and EUROPA, while CAP POLONIO led to CAP ARCONA.
In the meantime CUNARD sailed across the Atlantic with three different superliners - MAURETANIA, AQUITANIA and BERENGARIA. The latter two, interior styled in the airy near to Art Nouveau Edwardian style, while MAURETANIA was pure theatrical Edwardian styled.
After remodeling the fleet from coal to oil, CUNARD had to fight against losses by remodeling the former emmigrant quarters into a new invented Third or Tourist Class, that would or should cater a new breed of travellers appearing especially in the US market - middle class members, that got wealthier, but seeking budget travelling possibilities, and got an interest in touring in Europe, sightseeing the former battle fields, or seeking their traces in the old world.
Over the comming years CUNARD started a new build programm replacing old vessels, despite their new German vessels.
Fuelled by the "money carousell", created by the German reparation payments to the Allies, financed by, on the one hand own economy, on the other by US American loans, created a never seen cash flow in the world economy - only in part comparable to the amount of money after the Prussian-Franch war 1871, that culminated in the USA, as the former WWI had to pay their depts to the USA.
For some time since 1924/25 the world economy re-developed and passenger numbers increased, as well the demand for cruises grew to never seen hights.
Lucky times for CUNARD in these "Roaring Twenties".
People created new demands, women´s liberation started, people in general wanted to forget the ferocious war, and started living and discovered their individuality, as well got a new feeling for the body ... especially in continantal Europa. Swimsuits did shrink from Burqini typed clothing to "shocking" near nudity.
In Germany after WWI the BAUHAUS art school was founded, and in France started the movement of ART DECO. Which developed into the last common international style, and had its local/national interpretations - such as French ART DECO, or German, British, Brazilian, North American ART DECO.
This ART DECO style made all the wonderful pre WWI interior designs into an oldfashioned, musty design of the "yesterdays". After the Expositin internationale des Art DĂ©coratifs et Industriels moderne in Paris 1925 it hyped all around the world. CUNARD sticked to the interior design of Country House style, appreciated by its most conservative British clientele on board.
After remodeling the fleet from coal to oil, CUNARD had to fight against losses by remodeling the former emmigrant quarters into a new invented Third or Tourist Class, that would or should cater a new breed of travellers appearing especially in the US market - middle class members, that got wealthier, but seeking budget travelling possibilities, and got an interest in touring in Europe, sightseeing the former battle fields, or seeking their traces in the old world.
BERENGARIA, which became admired by her British clientele and international travellers, depite or because of her German heritage - courtsey coloured by Daryl LeBlanc
This new clientele on board created, despite fears, a greater revenue than seerage passengers.Over the comming years CUNARD started a new build programm replacing old vessels, despite their new German vessels.
Fuelled by the "money carousell", created by the German reparation payments to the Allies, financed by, on the one hand own economy, on the other by US American loans, created a never seen cash flow in the world economy - only in part comparable to the amount of money after the Prussian-Franch war 1871, that culminated in the USA, as the former WWI had to pay their depts to the USA.
For some time since 1924/25 the world economy re-developed and passenger numbers increased, as well the demand for cruises grew to never seen hights.
Lucky times for CUNARD in these "Roaring Twenties".
People created new demands, women´s liberation started, people in general wanted to forget the ferocious war, and started living and discovered their individuality, as well got a new feeling for the body ... especially in continantal Europa. Swimsuits did shrink from Burqini typed clothing to "shocking" near nudity.
In Germany after WWI the BAUHAUS art school was founded, and in France started the movement of ART DECO. Which developed into the last common international style, and had its local/national interpretations - such as French ART DECO, or German, British, Brazilian, North American ART DECO.
This ART DECO style made all the wonderful pre WWI interior designs into an oldfashioned, musty design of the "yesterdays". After the Expositin internationale des Art DĂ©coratifs et Industriels moderne in Paris 1925 it hyped all around the world. CUNARD sticked to the interior design of Country House style, appreciated by its most conservative British clientele on board.
When the LLOYD inaugurated with the BREMEN and snatched with her the Blue Riband, CUNARD fealt challenged ... they allready have lost quite a number of passengers to Cie. Gen. TRANATLANTIQUE and their ART DECO palace ĂŽLE DE FRANCE. But these new German ships became a threat in the international market of the North Atlantic. Germany had to rebuild its fleet after WWI and armistice, which already gave the German companies a certain advantage of modernity, and contemporary luxuries.
CUNARD was again forced to react, and started planing a new competive vessel.
Early design scetch, that one would become the QUEEN MARY - own collection
The liner was intended to replace the aged MAURETANIA, but in comparison to contemporary constructions, as BREMEN and EUROPA - external ART DECO typical streamlined, and even quite old fashioned CAP ARCONA, exterior L´ATLANTIQUE, interior far more modern and ART DECO styled than even the internal ultra modern ĂŽLE DE FRANCE, the first design was a sort of "Celtic stone age design". At least Hull 534 emerged after being "doomed" for some time, because of the new Great Depression, and CUNARD´s near bancrupcy, as the QUEEN MARY.
QUEEN MARY inaugurated in 1936, and became a national symbol of new British strength - courtsey colourd by Daryl LeBlanc
At least this new ship regained the BLUE RIBAND two times from its fiercest competitor - NORMANDIE, and "put things right again" in Britain. QUEEN MARY was internal outfitted in a somehow restrained ART DECO style, that critics named "okay for Texas millionaires", and the name giving Queen Mary commented as "not as bad as I thought" - Bill Miller.
External QUEEN MARY was a kind of evolution from the Edwardian liners CUNARD had been ordered - AQUITANIA, MAURETANIA, LUSITANIA. She was far away from being a trend setter, or revolutionairy ship. Her hull design was quite outdated and needed the full power of 212,000 hp to get a top speed of 32,64 kts, while ultramodern NORMANDIE, Yourkevitch designed, was able getting 34 kts with 160,000 hp "only".
As NORMANDIE was aiming in first place for the First Class travelling clientele, QUEEN MARY was equipped with a bigger 2nd Class accomodation capability, which got her the bigger passenger numbers at least. But with a one way voyage starting at US $ 295,00 on both liners per passenger in First Class the bigger First Class created a reasonable revenue for the French ship of state.
NORMANDIE was created around First Class accomodations and public salons!
NORMANDIE was created around First Class accomodations and public salons!
But realising Hull 534 as the QUEEN MARY was for CUNARD only possible with a state loan of GB£ 3,5 million, preventing bancrupcy of CUNARD and war use of the boat in the "case if" and the merger with once gleaming WHITE STAR, which had been ripped off its assets and fonds by the last two owners.
The Great Depression forced CUNARD selling their elder liners for scrap - MARETANIA, BERENGARIA, and OLYMPIC and MAJESTIC, from now joined WHITE STAR.
Cunard merged with the then ailing White Star line to form CUNARD-WHITE STAR Ltd. Cunard owned two-thirds of the new company. CUNARD purchased WHITE STAR's share in 1947; the name reverted to the CUNARD LINE in 1950.
Cunard merged with the then ailing White Star line to form CUNARD-WHITE STAR Ltd. Cunard owned two-thirds of the new company. CUNARD purchased WHITE STAR's share in 1947; the name reverted to the CUNARD LINE in 1950.
With the inauguration of QUEEN MARY, the fierce competition from the continent from LLYOD and TANSAT the service and food quality on board the new star rose to never bevor known hights of CUNARD. Form these days the actual "White Star Sevice" of now CARNIVAL owned CUNARD is originated. Back then it was a 100% copy of the WHITE STAR guest pampering, that they once have learned from the German competitiors LLOYD and HAPAG ...
With the Great Depression, following the crash of New York Stock Exchange in 1929, nationalism and protectionism rose, declining and collapsing of democracy in several states around the world, and in Germany the Nazi party gaining power, the next war was looming at the horizon.
With the Great Depression, following the crash of New York Stock Exchange in 1929, nationalism and protectionism rose, declining and collapsing of democracy in several states around the world, and in Germany the Nazi party gaining power, the next war was looming at the horizon.
The "Filrty Thirtees" became at least, looking back, a dance on the volcano ...
With the invasion of Poland Germany started WWII, the CUNARD fleet again was in war service. During this war CUNARD lost "only" four passenger ships and a number of freighters, but the loss of two "only" did cost the lives of over 2,000 souls ...
The two QUEENs, QUEEN ELIZABETH nearly finished, escaped German bombardment to New York, and appeared there as the "Grey Ghost" out of nowwhere. Launched as a symbol of peace, QUEEN ELIZABETH started her life as a trooper. And with her CUNARD fleet mate, QUEEN MARY, they shortend the war by min. one year, stated Winston Churchill later.
QUEEN ELIZABETH became nicknamed the GREY GHOST, when she appeared in the fog in front of New York, after the most secret inaugural crossing in Transatlantic history - courtsey colourd by Daryl LeBlanc
It took CUNARD seven years, after beginning WWII, realizing finally the intended weekly two liner service from Britain to the USA with its two QUEENs.
QUEEN ELIZABETH sailing across the Atlantic, when QUEEN MARY re-emerged from her war duties, CUNARD finally was able to offer its pre war planed weekly two liner service on the Atlantic - courtsey coloured by Daryl LeBlanc
Without any significant competiton, as in the first decade of CUNARD´s existens, the two QUEENs created tremendous revenues for the company, as CUNARD was the only Transatlantic line that was able to offer a four day crossing. Each other company had the slower vessels, even Cie. Gen. TRANSATLANTIQUE with their rebuilt LIBERTÉ, out of EUROPA, and ĂŽLE DE FRANCE.But the French liners and those from other countries, such as Netherlands, Sweden, Norway and at least Germany got their share in the Transatlantic market.
But the stars still did choose with home they crossed the pond ... for the fast crossings they choose the QUEENs, for the glamourous crossings, with a bit of `sparkling and lazivous athmosphere´ it was FRENCH LINE. Especially after publishing the Howard Hughes production of `French Line´ with Jane Russel as the star, or previous the film `Gentlemen preffer Blondes´ ...
CARONIA, the `Green Goddess´ was the first dual purpose passenger vessel, for summer liner voyages and winter cruises, CUNARD had ordered - own collection, photography from my book
The first liner newbuild for CUNARD after the devastating catastrophy, WWII, was CARONIA, the `Green Goddess´ she became the last millionaires ship, when she used to sail for cruises around the world. CARONIA was fitted out interior with the British expression of ART DECO from the `after war years´ and had been with a rather elegant vessel. John Maxtome-Graham described people going on board CARONIA that took for a cruise with them own furniture and art work they loved ... to be home at home.
Longitudinal cutaway of CARONIA - own collection
CARONIA, dining room - own collection
CARONIA, main salon - own collection
CARONIA, outdoor pool - own collection
CARONIA, main salon - own collection
CARONIA, living room of a suite - own collection
CARONIA, luxury cabin - own collection
Upon the end of the Second World War, Cunard regained its position as
the largest Atlantic passenger line. By the mid-1950s, it operated 12
ships to the United States and Canada. After 1958, transatlantic
passenger ships became increasingly unprofitable because of the
introduction of jet airliners. CUNARD finally withdrew from its year-round service in 1968 to concentrate on
cruising and summer transatlantic voyages for vacationers. The QUEENs
were replaced by QUEEN ELIZABETH 2 (QE2), which was designed for the dual role. QE2 sailed after some difficulties in her beginning with a large success for CUNARD. Her 60s interior design was changed over the years into a recalling of the `Grand Old Liner Days´ of the 1930s/40s. Especially after the Falkland war QE2 was sold in the world wide cruise market as the last true ocean liner.
Within ten years of the introduction of jet airliners in 1958, most of the conventional Atlantic liners were gone. Mauretania was retired in 1965, the Queen Mary and Caronia in 1967, and the Queen Elizabeth in 1968. Two of the new intermediate liners were sold by 1970 and the other two were converted to cruise ships. Cunard tried operating scheduled air services, by aquiring EAGLE AIRWAYS, to North America, the
Caribbean and South America by forming BOAC-CUNARD Ltd in 1962 with the BRITISH OVERSEAS AIRWAYS CORPORATION (BOAC), but this venture lasted only until 1966.
In 1998 Cunard was acquired by the CARNIVAL CORPORATION, and accounted for 8.7% of that company's revenue in 2012. Five years later, QE2 was replaced on the transatlantic runs by QUEEN MARY 2 (QM2). The line also operates QUEEN VICTORIA (QV) and QUEEN ELIZABETH (QE), constructions based on the cruise vessel "model" VISTA Class. At the moment, CUNARD is the only shipping company to operate a scheduled passenger service between Europe and North America during the summer season. But to be true, and the fans may not love it: QUEEN MARY 2 is not an ocean liner, but a cruise vessel in liner disguise.
In 2011 all three Cunard ships in service changed vessel registry to Hamilton, Bermuda, the first time in the 171-year history of the company that it had no ships registered in the United Kingdom.
The captains of ships registered in Bermuda, but not in the UK, can
marry couples at sea; weddings at sea are a lucrative market.On 25 May 2015, the three CUNARD ocean liners – QUEEN MARY 2, QUEEN ELIZABETH and QUEEN VICTORIA - sailed up the Mersey into Liverpool to commemorate the 175th anniversary of Cunard. The ships performed manoeuvres, including 180-degree turns, as the Red Arrows performed a fly-past. Just over a year later QUEEN ELIZABETH returned to Liverpool under Captain Olsen to take part in the celebrations of the centenary of the CUNARD Building, one of the "Three Graces" of Liverpool at Pier Head, on 2 June 2016.
has been a home for the shipping line for almost 100 years, and May 25th 2015´s
ceremony saw see Captain Chris Wells, Master of Queen Mary 2, leading
the fleet. Commodore
Christopher Rynd is the Master of QUEEN VICTORIA, and Captain Inger
Klein Thorhauge is Master of QUEEN ELIZABETH and CUNARD's first ever
female captain. After
setting off from Southampton Docks the fleet separated before coming
together again as the QUEEN ELIZABETH leads the other two ships past
the Isle of Wight.
been digging into its photo archives, sharing old photos of some of its famous
passengers. All following photos © CUNARD
Hollywood actor Clark Gable boards the QUEEN MARY in this black and white photo from CUNARD's archives
ships attracted Hollywood's stars during the golden age of ocean
travel, including Rita Hayworth
CUNARD's ships attracted Hollywood's stars during the golden age of ocean travel, including Ginger Rogers
CUNARD's ships attracted Hollywood's stars during the golden age of ocean travel, including Ginger Rogers
Singer and actor Bing Crosby was a regular on the Queen Mary and made friends with the ship's photographers
Cary Grant poses in the QUEEN MARY’s first class dining room with Binnie Barnes, a popular socialite, and her daughter
This image from CUNARD's archives shows the actor David Niven
QUEEN ELIZABETH's famous guest list included actress and singer Marlene Dietrich
pre WWII "The Dietrich" was a regular on board NORMANDIE
QUEEN ELIZABETH's famous guest list included singer Vera Lynn
pre WWII "The Dietrich" was a regular on board NORMANDIE
QUEEN ELIZABETH's famous guest list included singer Vera Lynn
What CUNARD is today is a new created imaged by sales managers in Miami, CARNIVAL, what these managers think CUNARD once has been ... an Alternative reality.
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