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Heritage - Geniale Göttin, Film über Hedy Lamarr, ohne die Schauspielerin gäbe es weder WiFi noch Bluetooth

Der Film zeigt die verschiedenen Facetten: „Geniale Göttin“ – Hedy Lamarr – im Labor. Foto: The Everette Hedy Lamarr wurde als Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler am 9. November 1914 in Wien geboren. Sie war das einzige Kind einer jĂĽdischen Bankiersfamilie. Die Lamarr galt zu ihrer Zeit als die schönste Frau im Film, wenn nicht gar der Welt. Aber sie war auch eine der umstrittensten Schönheiten ĂĽberhaupt. „Es ist fĂĽr Frauen immer noch schwer, in der Technik anerkannt zu werden – gerade fĂĽr eine Frau wie Hedy. Ihre Schönheit hat den Blick verstellt auf das, was hinter der Fassade steckt“, beschreibt Forscherin Anja Drephal von der Humboldt-Universität in Berlin das Schicksal der 1914 geborenen und 2000 gestorbenen österreichischen Schauspielerin Hedy Lamarr. Das motivierte auch Peter Fotheringham vom Kino Sweet Sixteen im Depot den Film zur Premiere in Dortmund zu zeigen. „Zur Premiere verlosen wir unter den Zuschauern eine Hörbuchfassung ...

Luxury Expedition - NORWEGIAN YACHT VOYAGES reveals design of the first ship

NORWEGIAN YACHT VOYAGES continues to be an ever-evolving brand, but it is also one that is uniquely including the public in all of its initial designs from phase one through the finished product. Now, it is unveiling its final design for the companies ultra-luxury inaugural vessel - the m/y Caroline, considered by the company to be the " World's First True Hybrid Expedition Mega-Yacht. " by Earl of Cruise m/y CAROLINE, the first of a series of four new true Mega-Yachts for the luxury expedition branch - courtesy NOWEGIAN YACHT VOYAGES The company has not even launched its business yet, but has already gone by three different names, which is by no mean sort of a schizophrenic approach. TRAVEL PULSE commented it: " It does not bode well for the fledgling operation’s initial reputation. If the company cannot settle on a name, how can potential guests be expected to identify it? " To me it is a clear statement of what the company is and want. ...

Heritage - Hedy Lamarr, the Dishonored Lady behind our WiFi

Hedy Lamarr: Frequency Hopping in Hollywood Hedy Lamarr , born as Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler, November 9th , 1914 in Wien , was known as the most beautiful woman in film and one of the most controversial at all. Hedy Lamarr is known to be the first nude in film, and who portrayed an orgasm - it was in the film ` Ekstase / Ecstasy ´. Hedy Lamarr´s beauty but was too her challenge. Because of her beauty, Hedy Lamarr´s interlectual capabilities had been underestimated, if ever regarded. by Earl of Cruise Hedy Lamarr as Sandra Kolter in `Ziegfeld Girl´ - Source: MGM, colouring artist unknown Hedy Lamarr´s image - the Beauty Queen The `Strange Woman´, a title of one of Hedy Lamarr´s movies, was so much more than being a simple beauty. With the composer George Antheil , Hedy Lamarr developed a radio guidance system for Allied torpedoes , which used spread spectrum and frequency hopping technology to defeat the threat of jamming by the Axis powers , at the beginning of ...

Luxury goes up-front - NORWEGIAN YACHT VOYAGES

NORWEGIAN YACHT VOYAGES goes up-front in the luxury cruise branch.  The new company changed its name by using `voyages´, with that avoiding to be mixed with the standard term of the cruise industry. `Voyages´ is the new cruise. The brand and product messaging of NORWEGIAN YACHT VOYAGES is: an ultra-luxury adventure cruise line that will offer the experience of a mega yacht. "Nothing is impossible as the word itself says `I'm possible´". Quote from Audrey Hepburn by Earl of Cruise NORWEGIAN YACHT VOYAGES ethics - courtesy NORWEGIAN YACHT VOAYAGES A new enterprise NORWEGIAN YACHT VOYAGES Any new enterprise in the cruise industry, dominated by the big four (CARNIVAL, MSC CRUISES, NCL and ROYAL CARIBBEAN) has to find its niche ... competing with the big four is a hard venture and not easy to achieve. The luxury cruise branch is about 5% of the multi billion business, and it neither crowded nor to small to starting a cruise business. NORWEGIAN YACHT VOYAGE...

Propulsion - VIKING LINE to use wind electric propulsion

VIKING LINE has struck an agreement with Norsepower to install its auxiliary wing propulsion Rotor Sail solution on board liquefied natural gas ( LNG) dual-fuelled VIKING GRACE .  by Earl of Cruise VIKING GRACE - courtsey VIKING LINE The addition of Norsepower’s technology will slash carbon emissions by approximately 900 tonnes annually – the equivalent of cutting 300 tonnes of LNG fuel per year, Norsepower said in a statement. Preparations for the retrofit are underway, with the installation scheduled to take place during the second quarter of 2018. VIKING GRACE is set to be retrofitted with one medium-sized Norsepower Rotor Sail unit that is 24m in height and 4m in diameter, making it the first-ever global LNG-wind electric propulsion hybrid ship. The Norsepower Rotor Sail   solution is a modernised version of the Flettner rotor - a spinning cylinder that uses the Magnus effect to harness wind power to propel a ship. “The solution is fully automated and ...

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Over years, in my early youth, the QUEEN ELIZABETH was shaping my mind for the perfect ocean liner, despite having made my first experiences with a liner onboard the HANSEATIC (1), ex EMPRESS OF SCOTLAND, ex EMPRESS OF JAPAN. When leaning at the rail of HANSEATIC entering the port, my eyes where every where and I wished to by a camera, I took all in. And when seeing the QUEEN ELIZABETH with my own eyes, the nice behaving young boy turned into a tomboy, that my grandmére was no longer able to tame ... I did draw quite a lot of looks, back then. I found, while on research, this article and thought it interesting publishing in my blog: written and published by John Sheperd at editing and comments by Earl of Cruise I ( John Shepard ) joined the CUNARD LINE in March 1962 as an Assistant Purser and sailed the QUEEN ELIZABETH throughout that year, before transferring to the Liverpool-based CARINTHIA in November, where I remained as Crew Purser for the next five...

Germany and HAPAG - A Journey through History

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Ocean Liners in Movies or Films at Sea (updated Nov 2017)

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ss NORMANDIE 1935 - 1942 IX

s s / te NORMANDIE starting from cold Owners: COMPAGNIE GÉNÉRALE TRANSATLANTIQUE BUILDERS: PENH Ă– ET, St. Nazaire, France   by Stephen Carey © , editing by Earl of Cruise   This document is almost exclusively about the engineering aspects of NORMANDIE , mainly on how to start her up from cold. If you are looking for photos of the passenger spaces, there is a plethora of them on the web, in Facebook groups - Admirers of the ss Normandie , ss Normandie photographic file , The French Ocean Liners / Les Paquebots Fran ç ais , ss Normandie , GREAT LINERS OF THE PAST & PRESENT , and others, Pinterest and in articles about NORMANDIE here in the blog, please see at the end of the article. Using "ss" for NORMANDIE is quite incorrect, as NORMANDIE was a Turbo Electric vessel and not a steamship, therefore NORMANDIE should be adressed as "te".   by Earl of Cruise te / ss NORMANDIE berthed in Le Havre, Gare Maritime May 29th, 1935 - colouring courtesy ...

HISTORY - ts / ss BREMEN and ts / ss EUROPA

Germany’s two luxury liners, BREMEN and EUROPA , have not only played an important part in their country’s mercantile revival, but have added also an immortal chapter to the history of transatlantic travel. Copy from Shipping Wonders of the World   From part 6 , published 17 March 1936 editing by Earl of Cruise ss / ts BREMEN in her early years - Source: Shipping Wonders of the World/Bundespresse Archiv The PRIDE OF A NATION - the NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD quadruple-screw turbine express liner BREMEN . The keel of this ship was laid in June 1927. Her launch took place in August, 1928. In less than a year later, the Bremen made her first voyage to America, when she crossed the Atlantic from Cherbourg to New York in four days seventeen hours forty-two minutes, thus setting up a new record and gaining the coveted “Blue Riband”. During the passage the Bremen attained an average speed of 27.83 knots. ss / ts BREMEN in her early years - Source: W ikipedia For the pop...

HISTORY - HAMBURG the Space Ship

HAMBURG , HANSEATIC, stared as Britannic in ` Juggernaught ´, MAXIM GORKIY nicknamed Space Ship ts HAMBURG in DEUTSCHE ATLANTIK LINE colours - own collection, copy from a promotion broschure When HAMBURG was introduced a TV show aired with adventures in the space, their ship was the Enterprise which had a saucer shaped main section and three main arm like pillars holding the saucer as well the two engin sections. by Earl of Cruise The funnel of HAMBURG had quite a resemblance to that particular TV airship, created for STAR TREK by Gene Roddenberry . Axel Bitsch Christensen in front of the ts HAMBURG funnel - own collection, photo originaly owned by Anders Bitsch Christensen This funnel, as controversial it is and was, was only one reason why HAMBURG was nicknamed the Space Ship, but there was another reason, a real one, HAMBURG was the most spacious passenger shipp of her days. Constructing ts HAMBURG from 1966 till 1969 - own collection, copy from my bo...


The PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMANY was existing for "just" one hundred years and was in her heydays a backbone for the development of the US West. The PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY was founded April 18, 1848, as a joint stock company under the laws of the State of New York by a group of New York City merchants, William H. Aspinwall , Edwin Bartlett, Henry Chauncey, Mr. Alsop, G.G. Howland and S.S. Howland. These merchants had acquired the right to transport mail under contract from the United States Government from the Isthmusof Panama to California awarded in 1847 to one Arnold Harris. The company was sold 1938 last to AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES , existing only on the paper, was closed down in 1949.   by Earl of Cruise CALIFORNIA , PACIFIC MAIL's first ship - Source: Wikipedia   CALIFORNIAwas the first steamer built by the PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY and she was launched May 19, 1848. She sailed from New York for Panama, via Cape Horn, on October 6, 1848...

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Heritage - UNITED STATES LINES - a review

In my UNITED STATES LINES historic review I want to show the rise and fall of the last national shipping and post line of the United States of America. by Earl of Cruise © UNITED STATES LINES The UNITED STATES LINES has been at first a transatlantic shipping company that operated passenger, mail and cargo services from 1921 to 1989. The passenger service with oceanliners was offered until 1969 - most famously by ss  UNITED STATES . The line became well known in the 1920s, when two valiant rescues were made. These ships involved have been the ss PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT in 1926, and the ss AMERICA in 1929 both under the command by Captain George Fried . 19th Century Since the dramatic ending of the COLLINS LINE in mid 19th century, after successfully crossing the North Atlantic, there has not been any major US American steamship line. The congress was not able giving a push to any new entrepreneur to come. So foreign companies got the main share in post trading and pas...