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Politics - Donald Trump interview with BILD and THE TIMES

The president-elect, Donald Trump, made an exclusive first interview with BILD and THE TIMES in his office, The Trump Tower, in New York. Friday, January 20th Donald Trump will be the president of the USA and the world is not any longer the same as today. 
Kai Diekmann (publisher BILD) and Michael Gove (for THE TIMES) held the interview in New York.
editing and comments by Earl of Cruise
I am a political person and studied historian. I value education, good ethics and behavior. Not for the sake of, but it calming in turbulent times. I have been astonished by the former President Reagan, once an actor in cowboy films, and later by a rather uneducated President George W. Bush, thinking how sould that happen ... but now ... I cannot believe. Now we see a reality TV show star as president. And this president-elect claims to be of German origin ? ... A show off, uneducated, ignorant, rude and misbehaving ... This Trump person is not worth claiming his German origins.
His grandfather once fleed Germany not because of opression, but simply for the fact, that he did not want to join the army for militatry service, which had been back then a duty for all. Same happend to Donald Trump, because of faked reasons, he did not serve in the US Army ... And then accusing a POW in Vietnam of cowardness ...
In his presidential election speach Trump claimed the American Dream is dead. With Trump it definitely will be as the new United States of America Inc. will not give the chance for those who lost since the mid 80s any chance to reach the dream ... We had the suprime crisis, which had its roots to be true in the American Dream - everybody his own home, so they don´t revolt.
Till today we now nothing about Trump, he is unpredictable. Only he deals with critics as traitor. For sure is, Trump has not even a clue how many states are in the NATO, or in the EU, or why it was build after WWII. And it is a fact that he has learned much from the lawyer of Ma Carthy ... Cohen.
Donald Trump in his office at Trump Tower during his interview with THE TIMES and BILD
Donald Trump in his office at Trump Tower during his interview with THE TIMES and BILD
Donald Trump told ‘We should be ready to trust Putin’ ... why should he not, when the Russian Zar did help him during the election campaign. And who knows which and how many "dead bodies" of Trump are stored in Russia. Does anybody know about his deals there, and his new Secretary of Foreign Affairs ... an oil manager with massive financial interests in Russia ...
Europeans could face US travel curbs
`I’ll do a deal with Britain´ ... knowing how Trump does his negotiations there will be no "prisoners" and his deals benefited only Trump and his trademark, or concrete himself only. Teresa May anounced January 17th the clean cut from the EU. UK will be alone against a hostyle negotiating "partner". And I have the feeling UK will become a colony from its own former colony ... The Brexit-UK will be then exporting the main share into the EU - with import taxes, not into the world. And German companies anounced not only to withhold investments in the UK, but think about an investment in total ... It is the same with other EU members. Donald Trump will offer Britain a quick and “fair” trade deal with America within weeks of taking office to help make Brexit a “great thing”.
Speaking to THE TIMES and BILD in his first UK ­interview as president-elect, he revealed that he was inviting Theresa May to visit him “right after” he gets into the White House and wants a trade agreement between the two countries secured “very quickly”. Does Trump not know, that this can be done only after 2019, when Britain has left, as up to 2019 UK is still a member of the EU - if the Brexit voters accept it or not, Pacta servanda sund!
Mr Trump also predicted that other countries would follow Britain’s lead in leaving the European Union, claiming it had been deeply ­damaged by the migration crisis.
The president-elect on Brexit, Britain and the QueenThe president-elect on Brexit, Britain and the Queen 
The selfish, self declared millionaire has no knowledge of the EU Human Rights Charta or what our constitution, the GRUNDGESETZ orders us to do - acting in humanity, taking refugees! Our society is based on humanity, respect and understanding! And there is another thing which is disturbing me in the discussions - in the EU and USA, we are based on Christianity and Humanity, that means nothing else than taking refugees, regardless!
Donald Trump and actual family in his golden palace, the Manhattan-Penthouse in Trump Tower, the chic of the cheap
Donald Trump and actual family in his golden palace, the Manhattan-Penthouse in Trump Tower, the chic of the cheap
the Manhattan-Penthouse in Trump Tower, the chic of the cheap
the Manhattan-Penthouse in Trump Tower, the chic of the cheap
the Manhattan-Penthouse in Trump Tower, the chic of the cheap
Taste does not come with money ...
And the refugees are coming from those areas that we, the USA and EU, destroyed, starting in 1916 with the Sykes Picot treaty - with that all the problems in middles East started, resulting in the Afghanistan and 2nd Irak war ... weapons of mass destruction ... oh my ... if it weren´t too serious I would laugh.
“I think it’s very tough,” the president elect said. “People, countries want their own identity and the UK wanted its own identity.” The UK created the mess in EU by their own, with their pressing to free trade. They stood on the break to unification and made a trade only union of the European integration process. And even this needed normings - meter and no longer the ancient foot, decimal currency, etc. The EU is nothing else than protecting the nations own identities ... only populistic loud speakers, as the Farage person, or irratic Le Pen, this Dutch Wilders, the PIS people from Poland and Orban in Hungaria babble of taken identities and dictatorship of Brussels.
Teresa May during her speech about the hard Brexit ARD Tagesschau
Teresa May during her speech about the hard Brexit - courtesy: ARD Tagesschau
Donald Trump revealed that Mrs May had written to him just after Christmas with a gift of a copy of Winston Churchill’s address to the ­American people shortly after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
In the letter the prime minister told Mr Trump that she hoped the sentiment of “unity and fraternal association” between the two countries was “just as true today as it has ever been”.

I remember the war of independence, the following British American war that ended in the occupation of Washington in 1815 and some more turbulences the two nations had after the colonies freed themselve with the help of French money, which led to the French revolution of 1789 and a German general, von Steuben, who had to organize the farmers George Washigton did lead. In those days UK was the main power in the world, with its Empire in the back, who dictated deals ... And there is another fact which Mrs May did ignore and Trump perhaps does not know, UK can´t do such deals as long UK is an official member of the EU - pacta servanda sund.
In Britain not even few are very concerned what this president will do ...
In the wide-ranging interview, Mr Trump revealed:
Zarizza Putina
I don´t care who is president under me ...
He will agree a nuclear weapons ­reduction deal with President Putin of Russia in return for lifting US sanctions. He was highly ­critical of Russia’s intervention in Syria, however, ­describing it as “a very bad thing” that had led to a “terrible ­humanitarian situation”. And this by the way, Russian interfering in Syria caused the refugee problems for Europe, not only the inhumanity of the civil war in Syria.
Orders will be signed next Monday to strengthen America’s borders, which could include ­travel restrictions on Europeans coming to the US as well as “extreme vetting” for those entering America from parts of the world known for Islamist terrorism.
That in the end may cause a decline of incoming tourists and revenue from.
He believes that Angela Merkel made a ­“catastrophic mistake” when she let more than 1 million migrants into Germany, ­adding that the EU had become “a vehicle for Germany”.
Germany hasn´t made the EU a vehicle for its interests. Trump should start reading the facts, and realising what they say. They are in contrary to his simple minded view into the world and Europe especially. Blaming Germany which in his understanding made the EU a German verhicle, does only show his fears about free trade, and the power and possibilities of Europe ...
nothing more to say ...
He will start off by trusting Mrs Merkel and Mr Putin, but that might not last long. The question is the other way, who can trust that loose cannon named Donald Trump.
Mr Trump was deeply critical of America’s foreign policy. He described the decision to invade Iraq as “possibly the worst ­decision ever made in the history of our country”, ­saying it was like “throwing rocks into a ­beehive”. He added that Afghanistan was “going badly” and that attempts to recapture Mosul had turned out to be a disaster.
That for sure is a clear fact. And I am sorry for the loss of lives, caused by these wars based on lies constructed by the Republican administration of George W. Bush. That  was supported by the mass media, which jumped on the train to prepare the US citizens for these "oil related wars". the very same media who is doing him so so false ...
A German journalist once stated after the beginning of the invasion: "Each Day of war in Iraq will cause one year of terror." Peter Scholl Latour was criticised for this statement, but unfortunately he was right.
Trump Cabinet
nothing more to say ...
Trump did not want to have the polical elite in Washington, but now he has the new money aristocracy ...
Friedman Trump and daugther
Friedman, Trump and daugther
On Russia, Mr Trump indicated that he hoped that a deal could be done to reduce ­nuclear capability in return for dropping some sanctions on Moscow. “They have sanctions on Russia - let’s see if we can make some good deals with Russia. For one thing, I think nuclear weapons should be way down and reduced very substantially, that’s part of it.”
Good luck with that! Declaring the NATO obsolete is very much helping! It is only encouriging Zarizza Putina occupying further countries as the Baltic states, perhaps sacrificing Ukraine totally. 
Germany is spending 1,2% of its GDP
The bad relations we have now are resulting in the politics created by the incompetend administration of George W. Bush ...
But it was Mr Trump’s offer of a rapid trade deal with Britain that was one of the most eye-catching aspects of the hour-long interview at Trump Tower in New York, in which he said: “I love the UK.”
Brexit of Teresa May in short - courtesy: ARD Tagesschau
“We’re gonna work very hard to get it done quickly and done properly. Good for both sides,” Mr Trump said. “I will be ­meeting with [Mrs May]. She’s requesting a meeting and we’ll have a meeting right after I get into the White House and it’ll be, I think we’re gonna get something done very quickly.”
Guess there is waiting time for till 2019 ...
The interview comes as the UK adopts an increasingly hard line on Brexit before a speech Mrs May gave on January 18th, the Brexit will be a clean and hard cut, but Teresa is still hoping to get the cream ...
Philip Hammond, the chancellor, issued the government’s starkest warning yet of what would happen if the EU attempted to impose tariffs and trade restrictions on the UK once Britain had left the EU. Mr ­Hammond told a German newspaper that a “wounded” Britain would not lie down and accept economic damage incurred by a harsh Brussels deal.
A strong EU is not in the interest of the USA and especially not the interest of Donald Trump with his ideology of America First and make it strong again. We have seen this interest during the EU dept crisis following the Financial Crisis, caused by unleashed banks and their toxic sub prime credit papers.
From upstart property developer to President Elect: Donald Trump through the years
Trump the Tweet
Trump the Tweet - courtesy ZDF heute
Instead, he said, the government would change its economic model to regain ­competitiveness, pledging that “we will do whatever we have to do”. His remarks were interpreted as a threat to lower corporation tax aggressively to undercut France, Germany and Italy further. Any potential trade deal with the US would be a powerful weapon in the UK negotiating armoury as it would open ­further a huge market for British goods and ­services. Mr Trump said he thought that “Brexit is going to end up being a great thing” and ­welcomed the fall in the value of the pound for having helped to boost the attractiveness of British products abroad.
But as UK had been a member of the EU, the dept loaded Pound was somehow supported by the Euro ... UK´s depts are as high as the combined Portugese, Spanish and Benelux state depts, and which industry products will be there, after the Iron Clad Thatcher had destroyed the industry to get rid of the unions?
The president-elect, who will be inaugurated on Friday 20th, said he was also looking ­forward to visiting Britain, saying his Scottish mother was “so proud of the Queen”.
The Scots share the same blame as Germany, or better Baden, as his grandfather was from there.
“Any time the Queen was on television, an event, my mother would be watching,” he said. He also quipped that his Scottish ­ancestry meant he liked to “watch my ­pennies”, adding: “I mean I deal in big ­pennies, that’s the problem.”
When Queen Elizabeth II. was crowned Scottish nationalists made some bombs exploding, as an anouncement that they would liked to see a Stuart on the throne ...
However, he was far less warm towards the EU and said he understood completely the sentiment behind the Leave campaign which, he believed, was largely driven by immigration. “I do believe this, if they [EU countries] hadn’t been forced to take in all of the refugees, so many, with all the ­problems that it . . . entails, I think that you wouldn’t have a Brexit. It probably could have worked out but this was the final straw, this was the final straw that broke the camel’s back.
Xi Jinping in Davos
Xi Jinping opening the Davos World Economic Forum, declaring No to protectionism - courtesy dpa
In first place Germany has taken the main share of refugees, after devastating circumstances in Budapest and on the "Balkan Route". Other EU countries did take in comparison to Germany non, not even France and UK, who caused in history with the Sikes Picot treaty the situation we see today in Syria. And taking these refugees was an act of humanity, but Trump has its own truth. So this Farage person which lead the British populace with lies out of the EU - paying 350 mio Pound per week to Brussels, but it is not even a third of, of which in the end a great share is coming to Britain for projects the UK gouvernment is no longer able to ...
“I think people want . . . their own identity, so if you ask me . . . I believe others will leave.”
His goal is a week and seperated EU to dictate his deals ... even the fourth strongest economy - Germany alone, as any other EU member, can´t handle easily an unleashed USA. And oh wonder, the Chinese Prime Minister is calling in Davos for free trade and no protecting import taxes and such.
I don´t know how Trump will handle China which is owning nearly two thirds of the US dept fonds ...
And China is by history not a power which traditionally expanding as Russia, USA, UK, France, etc. China it historically focused on itself (the country) and its unity (chin) and trade, free trade. The Opium War when Britain forced China to the knees, is still in the mind set of Chinese people.
He was also less warm about Mrs Merkel despite saying he had “great ­respect” for the German leader.
The reaction in Berlin on this special interview spoke letters with the cold acknowledgement of the gouvernment speaker. But why should Trump show any respect, he did offend Chanclor Angela Merkel several times ... thankfully she is a studied physicist and does not tend to overreaction ...
“I think she made one very catastrophic mistake and that was taking all of these illegals, you know, taking all of the people from wherever they come from,” he said. “And nobody even knows where they come from. So I think she made a catastrophic mistake, very bad mistake.”
Trump is allways pushing the imigrants, as if he himself is afraid of imigrants, as the United States of Anxiety - the bigot conservatives, caused by a lack of self-confidence.
After the chaotic situation in 2015, the German administration does well with the situation about the refugees. A lot of problems, but not all, have been solved for the refugees. And the support and acceptance within the populace is much stronger than it will be seen in other countries. And oh wonder, the German economy did benefit from the refugees.
Mr Trump also confirmed that he would appoint Jared Kushner, his son-in-law, to broker a Middle East peace deal, urged Britain to veto any new UN Security Council resolution critical of Israel and repeated his criticism of President Obama’s handling of the Iran nuclear deal.
Appointing Kushner, does create in me the feeling the USA is turning into a dictatorship like the Batista regime, where the familiy members gained easily posts, regardless of competence ...
All in all, the coming eara will be be harder and much more unvorseeable than with the Bush administration, and to me that period looks like a love affair, trying to decipher a future with this pompus. Even the Obama eara had its flaws with the NSA attacts and such.

The Economist
The Economist
Garry Kasparov about Trump and Putin
Trump caricature


  1. No doubt all world know Trump has taken very strict law for refugees and various other H1 and H6 visa holders are suffering a lot. If you want to see more news about the Donald Trump then see Trump News

  2. Royal personality Donald Trump always love to in headline of newspaper. But i want to now he is really belongs to Germany. If you want to read more news about trump then click Trump News


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