If you want the terrorists to win, refuse travelling. But there is only one response to the Barcelona attack, keep on travelling. Yesterday a concert of Allah-Las in Rotterdam was cancelled because of a terror warning. The lorry with gas cylinders was stopped and the driver arrested and interrogated. The warning came from Spain. by Earl of Cruise Las Ramblas, Barcelona - Photo by peresanz, courtsey Getty Images It is not possible to know what counts as being “too soon” when it comes to the idea of life returning to normal in the aftermath of any tragedy. Especially after a terror attack. In a troubled era when the “Breaking News” ticker begins flashing on your TV, phone or computer screen at any moment, and the information it brings may well be another shard of despair, it is difficult to say what constitutes day-to-day existence, or whether we can slip back into it when it has been ruptured by a bomb blast, a knife rampage, or a delivery va...
HISTORY - One of the earliest steam ship companies in the world ÖSTERREICHISCHER LLOYD was founded in 1833 - I 1833-55
ÖSTERREICHISCHER LLOYD , in its corporate language Italian, LLOYD AUSTRIACO, was founded in 1833 by 19 insurance and banking companies and 127 private shareholders in Trieste after they got the permission from the government of Austria-Hungary. ÖSTERREICHISCHER LLOYD develped into one of the biggest shipping companies of the world. From the start the corporate language was Italian. After WWI it became LLOYD TRIESTINO and is stillexisting as ITALIA MARITTIMA , a subsidiary of EVERGREEN MARINE . by Earl of Cruise ARCIDUCA LUDOVICO of 1837 - Source: Civico Museo del Mare Trieste In my previously published article about AUSTRO-AMERICANA I wrote about the naval heritage of Austria-Hungary and my special personal interest in its shipping companies. Austria-Hungary is so far more than what I mentioned there and forgott mentioning its most prominent citizen, Kaiserin Elisabeth , named Sisi, empress of Austria and Apostolic Queen of Hungary . Kaiserin Elisabeth von Österr...