Ponant has ordered the world’s first luxury icebreaker expedition cruise ship with an electric hybrid system powered by liquefied natural gas, from Fincantieri's Vard. The contract price is approximately € 270,000,000.00 million or approximately US $324 million. The hull will be classyfied as PC2. The new class of ships, as there are options for more to be built, is eco/enviromental friendly - fueled by LNG and hybrid electricity. The new luxury icebraking cruiser will be more luxurios, as for pax space ratio, than any other luxury offer in the expedition market - 111 GT per pax! by Earl of Cruise PONANT´s new cruise icebraker - courtesy: VARD, STERLING DESIGN, PONANT The 270-passenger, 30,000gt, 150 metre long ship will have three restaurants, spa and wellness facilities, plus 16 Zodiacs and two helicopters in garages. The hull will be built at Vard Tulcea in Romania, and delivery is scheduled from Vard Søviknes in Norway in the second quarter of 2021. Stirli...
HISTORY - One of the earliest steam ship companies in the world ÖSTERREICHISCHER LLOYD was founded in 1833 - I 1833-55
ÖSTERREICHISCHER LLOYD , in its corporate language Italian, LLOYD AUSTRIACO, was founded in 1833 by 19 insurance and banking companies and 127 private shareholders in Trieste after they got the permission from the government of Austria-Hungary. ÖSTERREICHISCHER LLOYD develped into one of the biggest shipping companies of the world. From the start the corporate language was Italian. After WWI it became LLOYD TRIESTINO and is stillexisting as ITALIA MARITTIMA , a subsidiary of EVERGREEN MARINE . by Earl of Cruise ARCIDUCA LUDOVICO of 1837 - Source: Civico Museo del Mare Trieste In my previously published article about AUSTRO-AMERICANA I wrote about the naval heritage of Austria-Hungary and my special personal interest in its shipping companies. Austria-Hungary is so far more than what I mentioned there and forgott mentioning its most prominent citizen, Kaiserin Elisabeth , named Sisi, empress of Austria and Apostolic Queen of Hungary . Kaiserin Elisabeth von Österr...