Because of an FB pruderie action I remembered a cruise to Sicily, its art and history showing, on board the late ANDREA. Cruise onboard ANDREA in the Mediterranean - a travel review. by Earl of Cruise The Hercules monument in Kassel, which is listed in the UNESCO Worldheritage list! Delisted by FaceBook because of his "naked butt" ... ridiculous! overbearing! hypocritic! - courtsey GRIMM HEIMAT NORDHESSEN The Hercules monument in Kassel with a naked butt. Goes not at all, found Facebook. Now tourist administratives have put on a bathing suit. No one, neither the false US, or any other pruderie should be imposed on us European. And art is ART! Wether naked or not, and the prude and/or evangikalists have to withstand it. Period! The UNESCO Worldheritage HERKULES - Source: YouTube But it was reminding me on another statue, the charioteer of Mozia, which is now on loan in the BRITISH MUSEUM . But back to the cruise on board ANDREA , now SERENISSIMA, e...
s s / te NORMANDIE starting from cold Owners: COMPAGNIE GÉNÉRALE TRANSATLANTIQUE BUILDERS: PENH Ö ET, St. Nazaire, France by Stephen Carey © , editing by Earl of Cruise This document is almost exclusively about the engineering aspects of NORMANDIE , mainly on how to start her up from cold. If you are looking for photos of the passenger spaces, there is a plethora of them on the web, in Facebook groups - Admirers of the ss Normandie , ss Normandie photographic file , The French Ocean Liners / Les Paquebots Fran ç ais , ss Normandie , GREAT LINERS OF THE PAST & PRESENT , and others, Pinterest and in articles about NORMANDIE here in the blog, please see at the end of the article. Using "ss" for NORMANDIE is quite incorrect, as NORMANDIE was a Turbo Electric vessel and not a steamship, therefore NORMANDIE should be adressed as "te". by Earl of Cruise te / ss NORMANDIE berthed in Le Havre, Gare Maritime May 29th, 1935 - colouring courtesy ...