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Discovery Deluxe - DAMEN presents it first expedition vessel SEAXPLORER

SEAXPLORER - The Dutch shipbuilder and owner of AMELS, DAMEN, presented its first cruise vessel design in cooperation with KNUD E. HANSEN, and the British EXPEDITION VOYAGE CONSULTANTS Ltd.
by Earl of Cruise
DAMEN expedition cruise vessel - Source DAMEN
The new DAMEN expedition cruise vessel - Source: DAMEN
The Danish naval architects and designers KNUD E. HANSEN is known for his various designs for the cruise industry and international yachting scene.
This partnership follows a successful cooperation with EXPEDITION VOYAGE CONSULTANTS´ sister company, EYOS EXPEDITIONS, which resulted in DAMEN developing the world´s first Polar Code compliant expedition yacht - the SEAXPLORER.
"This vessel will be capable of taking expedition cruise passengers beyond the usual range in terms of both geography and experience. The SEAXPLORER´s high ice capability and endurance make her globally capable, and she will be equally at home in the Tropics or Polar waters. SEAXPLORER is designed to be a multi-functional platform equipped with all of the tools an operator might need."   
The new SEAXPLORER expedition cruise vessel - Source DAMEN
The new SEAXPLORER expedition cruise vessel - Source: DAMEN
The new design of DAMEN is designed for sailing in the tropics as well the polar regions, and is certifed with Polar Class 6. The vessels will too have a wider range for cruising with a max. of 30 days, and with that has more than some competitors in the market of expedition cruises and "Me Too" products.
The new ship design will implement a hybrid propulsion system and will have a max. speed of 18kts, whereas the cruising speed will be 16kts. At present the hybrid propulsion vill be the state of the art for regions with a fragile eco system, as we will find in the polar waters, as well in the most tropic regions.
Propulsionsystem of the luxury yacht design SEAEXPLORER used in the SEAXPLORER expedition cruise vessel - Source DAMEN
Propulsionsystem of the luxury yacht design SEAEXPLORER used in the SEAXPLORER expedition cruise vessel - Source: DAMEN
CO2 polution is 20% than an equivalent standard propulsion and has an intellegent fuel and electricity management sstem.
DAMEN Green Solutions has signed a letter of intent with Norwegian company TeamTec to supply and service the innovative AVITALISTM ballast water treatment system.
Source: DAMEN
The new SEAXPLORER expedition cruise vessel - Source DAMEN
The new SEAXPLORER expedition cruise vessel - Source: DAMEN
For the beginning of the design the new vessels have incorporated the needed space for batterie banks, which provide the electricity foor the generators.
This hybrid propulsion has the advantage of less or no noises whils sailing and no airpollution.
The first expedition cruise vessel published by DAMEN will have a capacity of just 115 passengers. Has 1,100 m² of public space in the vessel, and 2,500 m² outdoor deck space. This vast amount of open decks for the few, will enable the passengers to enjoy and experience the maximum connection with the poutside world, the region the vessel is sailing through - sea, coastlines, ice bergs, jungles, etc. To top the "vista" element onboard these ships, they will have a "crow nest" on top of the superstructure. It will be used too as panoramic star observatory lounge. Further the each vessel will get two helicopters.
Beside these amneties, the passengers will be provided with a maximum of comfort, efficient and effective logistics, and for the security redundancy of critical systems on board.
The new expedition cruiser will have a lenght of 134.4 meter, a beam of 22 meter, and a design draft of 5 meter.
Design renderings of SEAXPLORER expedition cruise vessel - Source DAMEN
Design renderings of SEAXPLORER expedition cruise vessel - Source: DAMEN
Design renderings of SEAXPLORER expedition cruise vessel - Source DAMEN
Design renderings of SEAXPLORER expedition cruise vessel - Source: DAMEN
Design renderings of SEAXPLORER expedition cruise vessel - Source DAMEN
Design renderings of SEAXPLORER expedition cruise vessel - Source: DAMEN

Another vessel for 200 passengers is in the pipeline of development.

Expedition experience and efficient operations embedded into a unique design. DAMEN


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