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HISTORY - German Greyhounds II

Germany kept rising, and new German Greyhounds appeared with the progress in technology. 
In the end of the 1890ties the Golden Age of German Greyhounds began.
by Earl of Cruise
Heinrich Wiegand, Director of NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD - source Wikipedia
A German engineer employed by Fairfield Shipbuildingand Engineering Company, in Govan , Scotland, Robert Zimmermann, made for GUION LINE a new design for their new record breaker. Stephen Barker Guion (1820–1885) has died, and the then financial instable line, transformed into an incorporation, tried to get a new record vessel after OREGON went back to the builder, who sold it to CUNARD. The newbuild contract never materialized.
Shipbuilder modell of  Robert Zimmermann´s GUION liner by Fairfield
This would become the Blue-Print for the next German Greyhounds
Zimmermann went back to Germany and he took the GUION liner plans with him to his new employer AG VULCAN in Stettin (in English as no British line was interested in the new design.
26 years after the German union and being an empire, a totally new vessel appeared. Bigger than its predessors. Despite the ss GREST EASTERN the biggest moving object of her time. Germany still a federation of now no longer independent mostly rural organized states. The new head of state, the emporer wasn´t the classic "all mighty" ruler, he had to follow the constitution, and there was a paliament in excistence, the Reichstag. The Kaiser was - `Kaiser der Deutschen´, not the Kaiser of Germany.
Painting of KAISER WILHELM DER GROSEE, courtsey by Stefan Piel, a brilliant illustrator and artist
To the British public, and the shipping industry, this new vessel must have been a real shock. Up to the inauguration of ss KAISER WILHELM DER GROSSE, German lines did order, with a few excemptions prior and after, vessels at British shipbuilders.
ss KAISER WILHELM DER GROSSE 1897 a design realized by Robert Zimmermann at AG VULCAN in Stettin, based on the specifications of Max Walter
The first German Greyhounds of the 1880ties had been "in house" developments of NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD and HAPAG. Of the eleven Schnelldampfer, Lloyd had ordered nine at Elders / Fairfield, while two, ss SPREE and ss HAVEL had been ordered at AG VULCAN. HAPAG ordered their Schnelldampfer quartet at the same yards.
These facts created in Great Britain´s public, as within the shipping industry, at totally different picture than reallty.

In his novel `Schnelldampfer´ Karl Aloys Schenzinger describes in a fictional scene the feelings which in Britain ruled the public opinion.
A lady and a gentleman argue about the new design of the KAISER with his four funnels, arranged in pairs - two by two. He describes them as pompus, exaggerated and typical for the German behavior. She in despite is intrigued by the design, as it is new and is looking powerful and strong.
The pairing of the funnels enanbled central coal bunkers near to the furnaces, and atop of a vast space in the center of the vessel for rooms which had to search its equal amoung the North Atlantic and other liners.
Crossection/cutaway of ss KAISER WILHELM DER GROSSE (source courtsey Norwegian Heritage), is displacing the central coal bunkers and above the Main Dining Room - der Grosse Speisesaal.
14,349 gross tons (GRT)
24,300 tons displacement
200 m
20.056 m
max. 8,3 m
Installed power:
33,000 ihp (25,000 kW)
2 screw propellers
22.5 kn (41.7 km/h; 25.9 mph)
1,506 passengers
I. Klasse: 206 + 134 bed sofas und cots
II. Klasse: 226 + 120 bed sofas und cots
III. Klasse: 1074
After ss KAISER WILHELM DER GROSSE did win the Blue Riband, it became a "fashion" or a must in the international competition having four funnels, and with the KAISER would have been build 14 liners in that "fashion".
The untrue word is spread, in all minds imprinted, that passengers regarded the number of funnels for strength, speed and security. So why passengers still boarded liners with less than four funnels? That would make them, not only from todays point of view, a dump mass, and neglect their intelligence. The fourth funnel of the OLYMPIC class vessels was for ventilation reasons in first place, and only in second for the optical balance of the exterior appearance.
After the inauguration of the four twin screw liners, ss AUGUSTA VICTORIA, ss NORMANNIA, ss COLUMBIA and ss FÜRST BISMARCK, of HAPAG the LLYOD lost over the years the competition. They lacked the speed of the HAPAG sisters and grew old and worn.
To get again the express service with weekly departures, LLOYD director HeinrichWiegand and the chief engineer Max Walter developed, again "in house", a new type of passenger vessel. The shipbuilders AG VULCAN and F.SCHICHAU, MASCHINEN- und LOKOMOTIVFABRIK, SCHIFFSWERFT und EISENGIESSEREI GmbH in Stettin gave, based on Walter´s specifications, diversing offers for the pair of express liners. Schichau tried a new technical approach in the design of ss KAISER FRIEDRICH.
ss KAISER FRIEDRICH build by Schichau - source Wikipedia
12,480 GRT
183 metres
19.4 metres
max. 8,54 m
Installed power:
Five cylinder reciprocating steam engines (with cylinder diameter of 109.22 cm, 162.56 cm, 233.68 cm, 2 x 236.22 cm), with quadruple expansion
Twin three-bladed bronze propellers,with a diameter of 6.19 meters
19, later 20 knots
1,350 Passengers
400 First Class
250 Second Class
700 Third Class
Captain Ludwig A. Störmer
Captain François Benoît Rolland
KAISER FRIEDRICH never met the contracted speed, to be a real running mate to KAISER WILHLEM DER GROSSE, and was given back to the builders. This became an international commented law suit between SCHICHAU and the LLOYD. She was laid up in Hamburg, after a charter to HAPAG and 1912 finally sold to COMPAGNIE de NAVIGATION SUD-ATLANTIQUE.
In desperate need of a suitable running mate for the KAISER, who in the meantime got his nickname `Rolling Billy´, the LLOYD invested massively in his ss SPREE to get one.
7,840 GRT (after rebuilding out of ss SPREE 1899)
160 m
15.8 m
2 × triple expansion engine
2 screws, dual shaft
3 funnels, two masts
20 kn (23 mph) (after 1899)
826 passengers
244 First Class
122 Second Class
460 Third Class
She lived short with the LLOYD, as the KAISERIN was sold in 1904 to Russia to become the auxiliary cruiser URAL.
With pride Heinrich Wiegand invited Albert Ballin, his counterpart in Hamburg, for a crossing on board the ss KAISER WILHELM DER GROSSE, which resulted in HAPAG´s decision to build a competitor to the KAISER, despite Albert Ballin´s vote in the board meeting against, because of the maintenance costs of such a Greyhound.
ss DEUTSCHLAND of HAPAG, HAPAG´s answer to his Hanseatic rival NORDDEUTSCHER LLYOD - own collection
In 1900 the HAPAG `Schnelldampfer´ ss DEUTSCHLAND went to sea and gained the trophy for the fastest crossing from the LLYOD. She was an improved near sister to the KAISER and has been build at the same yard - AG VULCAN in Stettin.
crossection/cutaway ss DEUTSCHLAND - own collection
16.502 gross tons (GRT)
208,5 m
20.4 m
max. 8 m
Installed power:
37,800 ihp (27,802 kW)
2 6 cylinder Quadruple Expansion Compound - counterrotating
2 screw propellers
23.15 kn (43 km/h)
1,100 passengers
429 I. Klasse
226 II.Klasse
284 III.Klasse
The ss DEUTSCHALND had less passengers on board than her rival the KAISER, as well more crew, especially for the service. This was Ballin´s turn to the luxury.

In March 1902, she played a role in the DEUTSCHLAND incident. When she was carrying Prince Henry, the brother of the Kaiser back to Europe from a highly publicized visit to the United States, the ship was prevented from using her Slaby-d'Arco system of wireless telegraphy as the Marconi radio stations refused its radio traffic through their nets and blocked the rival system. Prince Henry - who tried to send wireless messages to both the U.S. and Germany -was outraged. During a later conference, the Marconi company was forced to give access to their stations to other companies. This incident turned out to be one of the important moments in the early history of wireless transmission.
source: Wikipedia
The ss DEUTSCHALND had another problem, which was, and is common to all fast going vessels at sea - she vibrated immensely. Therefore she was nicknamed `the cocktail shaker´. These vibrations caused a havarie on April 22nd 1902. Her stern broke and she lost her rudder. Only with her screws she could navigate back to Hamburg. A masterpiece of seamanship of her officers on the bridge, the chief engineer and the men at the mashines.
In 1910, after the loss of the world´s first purpose built cruise vessel the ss KRONPRINCESSIN VICTORIA LUISE in 1906 in Jamaika, ss DEUTSCHLAND was withdrawn from service. She was massively rebuild and emerged from her builders as the cruise vessel ss VICTORIA LUISE.
ss VICTORIA LUISE 1911, ex DEUTSCHLAND 1900 of HAPAG, her white cruise painted wasn´t that successful, it did not last too long and used to be "coal-dust-coated" - own collection (detail of a postcard)
While Hamburg was struggeling with its Blue Riband holder ss DEUTSCHLAND, Bremen was ordering a new vessel for his Schnelldampfer Dienst (express service). In 1901 the world has seen the ss KRONPRINZ WILHELM, another near sister to the KAISER of 1897. And this vessel too caught the Blue Riband, and therefore all the praize back to NORDDEUTSCHE LLOYD.
ss KRONPRINZ WILHELM 1901 - own collection
202,17 m
20 m
max. 8,5 m
Installed power:
36,000 ihp
2x 4 cylinder Quadruple Expansion Compound
2 screw propellers
23.9 kn (44 km/h)
1,318 passengers
301 I. Klasse
300 II.Klasse
717 III.Klasse
As ss KRONPRINZ WILHELM, yard Nr. 249 at March 30th 1901 was launched at AG VULCAN in Stettin, she was the most modern passenger liner of her time. The KRONPRINZ impressed by his art-of-state lines, which had been dominated by the four funnels, arranged in pairs (2 by 2). The steamer had as one of the first liners a contemporary telephon system on board. The bridge could reach all stations on board. Too installed has been a wireless station.
The Berliner Tageblatt published at Februar 16th 1902:

„Bei der bevorstehenden Amerikareise ... werden die Augen der technischen Welt auf einen unscheinbaren Apparat an Bord des „Kronprinz Wilhelm“ gerichtet sein, welcher vor der Öffentlichkeit seine Feuerprobe zu bestehen haben wird. Es wird nämlich eine Marconische Telegraphenstation mitgeführt werden, deren Aufgabe darin bestehen wird, die Verbindung des auf hoher See befindlichen Schiffes mit dem Lande aufrecht zu erhalten."

In September 1902, captained by August Richter, Kronprinz Wilhelm won the BlueRiband for the fastest crossing yet from Cherbourg to New York in a time of 5 days, 11 hours, 57 minutes (131h57min), with an average speed of 23.09 kn (42.76 km/h; 26.57 mph).
The German competitors dominated the North Atlantic trade with thre high quality liners, which held or hold at a time the Blue Riband. And a forth was in building. They did attract the international travelling public, because of speed and the service which was offered. A further fact of attraction has been the quality of passenger cabins, and suites, as well as the opulent public rooms.
Had the British people and the public opinion been rattled by ss KAISER WILHELM DER GROSSE, the ss DEUTSCHLAND and then a short time after the ss KRONPRINZ WILHELM shocked.

"Hadn´t they been only a rural country?"
"Sisn´t they need importing our technology?"
"Aren´t they not still rural organized?"
"How could they do such things?"
"They are even just a state!"
Great Britain marchants and industrialists invented the "Made in Germany" trade mark to prevent German products becomming a success or a competitor. But it lashed back - "Made in Germany" was the best invention made on the isles for the country named Germany. It became THE sign for quality and worth the money goods.
While HAPAG turned away from the speed competition as WHITE STAR has done, the LLOYD still stick to his Schnelldapfer concept and design. HAPAG´s ss DEUTSCHLAND was a single one amoung the growing fleet of veesls.
In Stettin and Bremen the engineer Schütte approached the officials with his design drafts for a five funnel vessel as the next high speed liner for NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Till then only the GREAT EASTERN had a set of five funnels similar arranged.
Projected Schnelldampfer by engineer Schütte designed, drawing by Frits G.E. Moll - copy courtsey from `Die Geschichte der deutschen Passagierschiffahrt, Bd.II, Arnold Kludas
20,700 GRT projected
209,8 m
27 m
max. 8 m
Installed power:
39,000 ihp
4 Quadruple Expansion Compound
2 screw propellers
25.5 kn
1,950 passengers projected
750 I. Klasse
300 II.Klasse
900 III.Klasse
The Schütte design varied in some aspects from the previous AG VULCAN buildings. At first the five funnels, then the cruiser stern and the width. If this design ever would have been constructed is not sure, as no further sources existing.
Director Wiegand and his board decided against the Schütte design, and choose an improved version of the first two near sisters.
And in 1903 the ss KAISER WILHELM II had its inauguration. The forth four funneld liner and high speed vessel. Great Britains pride must have finally been shackeld.
ss KAISER WILHELM II entering its pier in New York habor - own collection
215,34 m
22,5 m
max. 8 m
Installed power:
44,500 ihp (29,420 kW)
4 Quadruple Expansion Compound
2 screw propellers
23.58 kn (44 km/h)
1,535 passengers
468 I. Klasse
268 II.Klasse
799 III.Klasse
The Quadruple steam engine of ss KAISER WILHELM II was the most powerfull mashine installed into a vessel of her time. Incrdible masses had be moved in that gigantic engine - a permanent up-and-down moving, which was hammering in the "bowels" of that Greyhound. And for the constant moving of all the cylinders had to be fired 700t of coal in the furnaesses.
With this fourth German Greyhound especially CUNARD got nervous. Their premier vessels LUCANIA and CAMPANIA have been put out of "place". And the international travel populace travelled "German". Despite the rising nationalism, even British travellers loved the German Greyhounds, because of their speed, their offered service and their interiors. Against national odds, the US travellers nearly swamped the liners of the LLOYD and HAPAG.

In the later 19th and early 20th century, Germany´s fleet of passenger liners had grown at such a rapid rate thet the German liners greatly eclipsed those of their British rivals, much to the embarassement of Britain´s CUNARD LINE. Desperate to reclaim the tarnished national pride, CUNARD officials convinced the British government to provide a generous loan package, and CUNARD was able to embark upon an ambitious shipbuilding program. The first two ships built in the resulting government subsidy program were the CARONIA and CARMANIA of 1905.
At the time of launch, CARONIA and CARMANIA were the largest liners in the Cunard fleet. More importantly, the twin ships had the unique distinction of being used to compare the standard quadruple-expansion propulsion system against the new-fangled Parsons steam turbine system, with CARMANIA being fitted with the new turbine system. CARONIA was the first to be launched by Lady Blythswood - wife of a former aide to Queen Victoria - February 21, 1905 and her maiden voyage on the Liverpool to New York run occurred December 2, 1905. Company officials were pleased with the duo’s admirable performance, and the press was none to generous in bestowing the title “Grand Dames of the Atlantic” on the sister ships. Furthermore, CARMANIA´s steam turbine engines so impressed Company officials that it was decided that the new system would be employed on the upcoming LUSITANIA and MAURETANIA.
CARMANIA was in 1905 not the first turbine driven liner, but for CUNARD it was. ss KING EDWARD was launched in 1901 with turbines as propulsion. Her inauguration drew international spectators in masses. The ss QUEEN in 1903 and the VICTORIAN in 1904 followed. And in July and November rms LUSITANIA and rms MAURETANIA would be inaugurated.

LUSITANIA and MAURETANIA were commissioned by CUNARD, responding to increasing competition from rival transatlantic passenger companies, particularly the German NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD and HAPAG. They had larger, faster, more modern, more luxurious ships than Cunard and were better placed, starting from German ports, to capture the lucrative trade in emigrants leaving Europe for North America. In 1897 the NDL liner KAISER WILHELM DER GROSSE captured the Blue Riband from Cunard's CAMPANIA, before the prize was taken in 1900 by the HAPAG ship DEUTSCHLAND. NDL soon wrested the prize back in 1903 with the new KAISER WILHELM II and KRONPRINZ WILHELM. CUNARD saw their business steadily declining as a result of the so-called "Kaiser-class ocean liners".
The American millionaire businessman J. P. Morgan had decided to invest in transatlantic shipping by creating a new company International Mercantile Marine (IMM), and in 1901 purchased the British freight shipper FREDERICK LEYLAND & Co. and a controlling interest in the British passenger WHITE STAR LINE and folded them into IMM. In 1902, IMM, NDL, and HAPAG entered into a "Community of Interest" to fix prices and divide among them the transatlantic trade. The partners also acquired a 51% stake in the Dutch HOLLAND AMERIKA LINE. IMM made offers to purchase Cunard which, along with the French CGT, were now their principal rivals. Cunard declined the offer, but lacked the financial resources to respond with new ships. CUNARD chairman Lord Inverclyde thus approached the British government for assistance. Faced with the impending collapse of the British liner fleet and the consequent loss of national prestige, as well as the reserve of shipping for war purposes which it represented, they agreed to help. By an agreement signed in June 1903, CUNARD was given a loan of £2.6 million to finance two ships, repayable over 20 years at a favourable interest rate of 2.75%. The ships would receive an annual operating subsidy of £75,000 each plus a mail contract worth £68,000. In return the ships would be built to Admiralty specifications so that they could be used as auxiliary cruisers in wartime.
source: Wikipedia
The use of express steamers as auxiliary cruisers in war was a common place in the days of the imperialism. As the German Schnelldampfer had been intended to be war ships in case of war, so have been the rms LUSITANIA and rms MAURETANIA.
But prior to the inauguration of the rms LUSITANIA, the LLOYD send his last Schnelldampfer at sea. The ss KRONPRINZESSIN CECILIE was he peak of the AG VULCAN build series of sisters and near sisters which domiated the North Atlantic trade for a decade.
ss KRONPRINCESSIN CECILIE - own collection
215,34 m
22,2 m
max. 8 m
Installed power:
45,500 ihp
4 Quadruple Expansion Compound
2 screw propellers
23.6 kn (44 km/h)
1,566 passengers
508 I. Klasse
260 II.Klasse
798 III.Klasse
The ss KRONPRINZESSIN CECILIE had the biggest ever in a passenger vessel installed steam compound engine. But this incredible force in her hull was in vain to gain the Blue Riband from her sister the ss KAISER WILHELM II, as she was outdated by the new CUNRARD steamers rms LUSITANIA and rms MAURETANIA by their more powerful and more efficient turbine steam engines.
No one can blame director Wiegand, the LLOYD engineers and those of AG VULCAN for the decision, as the turbine technology wasn´t really mellow for the "high pressure use" in a North Atlantic express steamer in the early years of the first decade in 1900.
The passengers of ss KRONPRINZESSIN CECILIE found themselves not only on a fast liner but too on a most luxurious. The travellers had been supported by a crew of 679 that included 229 stewards and stewardesses and 42 cooks, pantrymen, barbers, hairdressers and other passenger service people. the vessel provided a service to his passengers that has never be seen on the Atlantic before. Similar to the predessors she drew the luxury to a new level. Her interior design was in the new style of Wiener Session and  Jugendstil, a first for the LLOYD on his Schnelldampfer quartet, as up to then the style was a pompus recalling Historicism. More luxurious suites have been installed than on any other of her sisters and near sisiters. In comparison with a US$ 2,500 first class suite ticket, the immigrant could sail on ss KRONPRINZESSIN CECILIE for a mere US$ 25. This high level was not easy to match. And she hold this trophy of luxury till her commercial end in 1914 in BarHarbor, Maine where she, under the command of Captain Charles Polack, did seek refugee.
When ss KRONPRINZESSIN CECILIE received the wireless message of the outbreak of war, she carried 1,216 passengers, including some British reservist, she was carrying too $10,679,000 in gold and $3,000,000 in silver. The ss KRONPRINZESSIN CECILIE, bound for Bremen, was nearing Liverpool when directed to head back to the closest port in the neutral United States to avoid capture by the British Navy and French cruisers.  Captain Polack had her normally all-buff funnels painted with black tops so as to resemble the liner OLYMPIC or another ship of the British WHITE STAR LINE as a form of disguise.
The former three class Greyhound ss KAISER WILHELM DER GROSSE had been transfered, a few years before, into a Third Class only vessel. That arrangement, as the KAISER got outdated and worn, pushed the Third Class passengers into absolutely new hights, as the KAISER was not rebuild.
With the successful inauguration of the steam turbine in record breaking North Atlantic Greyhounds the decade of German supremacy seemed to have ended. Great Britain has gained back in his thinking right to at the helm, or being back the throne, as the most powerful nation, and empire, and ruler of the waves. A short, to short victory and vicious for Great Britain.


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HISTORY - EUGENIO C. a masterpiece of Italian design and engineering

EUGENIO C., later EUGENIO COSTA, was a masterpiece of Italian design and is an example of beautifully integrated ship design. Her naval architect, Nicolò Costanzi, and her interior designer, Nino Zoncada, worked side by side, or hand in hand, to create a perfect balance and continuity between the vessel's interiors and the exterior profile. EUGENIO C. became a masterpiece of the 60s design and elegance. by Earl of Cruise Some readers had been asking for interior photographies ... here they are.   Eugenio C. Tourist Class A pool, looking aft into the wake line - own collection, copy from my LINEA  „ C ‟ broshure EUGENIO C. entered service a little more than 50 years ago in 1966. EUGENIO C. was a child of the swinging 60s, when we had the first jet setters, and still style and elegance. And travelling by jet in those days was still an expensive way to travel for few. I am not the only one wishing the same intent and sensibility would be a guide line for present sh...


The PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMANY was existing for "just" one hundred years and was in her heydays a backbone for the development of the US West. The PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY was founded April 18, 1848, as a joint stock company under the laws of the State of New York by a group of New York City merchants, William H. Aspinwall , Edwin Bartlett, Henry Chauncey, Mr. Alsop, G.G. Howland and S.S. Howland. These merchants had acquired the right to transport mail under contract from the United States Government from the Isthmusof Panama to California awarded in 1847 to one Arnold Harris. The company was sold 1938 last to AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES , existing only on the paper, was closed down in 1949.   by Earl of Cruise CALIFORNIA , PACIFIC MAIL's first ship - Source: Wikipedia   CALIFORNIAwas the first steamer built by the PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY and she was launched May 19, 1848. She sailed from New York for Panama, via Cape Horn, on October 6, 1848...