Embarking on the expedition cruise market and following the ULSTEIN © motto - "Stay different" by Earl of Cruise "Stay different." The niche of ULSTEIN , their credo, even when embarking in the expedition cruise market. Years ago, attending the SMM in Hamburg, a friend of mine and me got an idea, when seeing the X-Bow of the ULSTEIN models of Offshore vessels , " Couldn´t this be the right bow for expedition cruise vessels? " We got into a heated discussion. Me pro, he contra. In his opinion it was too far off from the mainstream what a cruise passenger is expecting from the design of his cruise or expedition ship. We had been discussing too the up-and-down discussed freak wave casualties. Stay different." The niche of ULSTEIN ©, explorer cruise vessel with X-Bow - courtesy © ULSTEIN "Stay different." The niche of ULSTEIN © , explorer cruise vessel with X-Bow - courtesy © ULSTEIN The expedition cruise market had...