Embarking on the expedition cruise market and following the ULSTEIN © motto - "Stay different" by Earl of Cruise "Stay different." The niche of ULSTEIN , their credo, even when embarking in the expedition cruise market. Years ago, attending the SMM in Hamburg, a friend of mine and me got an idea, when seeing the X-Bow of the ULSTEIN models of Offshore vessels , " Couldn´t this be the right bow for expedition cruise vessels? " We got into a heated discussion. Me pro, he contra. In his opinion it was too far off from the mainstream what a cruise passenger is expecting from the design of his cruise or expedition ship. We had been discussing too the up-and-down discussed freak wave casualties. Stay different." The niche of ULSTEIN ©, explorer cruise vessel with X-Bow - courtesy © ULSTEIN "Stay different." The niche of ULSTEIN © , explorer cruise vessel with X-Bow - courtesy © ULSTEIN The expedition cruise market had...
Over years, in my early youth, the QUEEN ELIZABETH was shaping my mind for the perfect ocean liner, despite having made my first experiences with a liner onboard the HANSEATIC (1), ex EMPRESS OF SCOTLAND, ex EMPRESS OF JAPAN. When leaning at the rail of HANSEATIC entering the port, my eyes where every where and I wished to by a camera, I took all in. And when seeing the QUEEN ELIZABETH with my own eyes, the nice behaving young boy turned into a tomboy, that my grandmére was no longer able to tame ... I did draw quite a lot of looks, back then. I found, while on research, this article and thought it interesting publishing in my blog: written and published by John Sheperd at liverpoolships.org editing and comments by Earl of Cruise I ( John Shepard ) joined the CUNARD LINE in March 1962 as an Assistant Purser and sailed the QUEEN ELIZABETH throughout that year, before transferring to the Liverpool-based CARINTHIA in November, where I remained as Crew Purser for the next five...